
Terms for subject Religion containing Assumption | all forms | exact matches only
Assumption cathedralУспенский собор
Assumption DayУспение Пресвятой Богородицы (Andy)
Assumption fastУспенский пост
Assumption of MosesУспение Моисея (A pseudepigraphal work, a prophecy of the future relating to Israel, put into the mouth of Moses and addressed to Joshua just before the great lawgiver died)
assumption of the Birth-Giver of GodУспение
Assumption of the Virgin MaryВознесение Девы Марии (time_bandit)
Augustinians of the AssumptionКонгрегация в честь Успения Богоматери
Augustinians of the Assumptionассумпционисты
Holy Assumption Cathedral ChurchСобор Успения Божией Матери (Tatyana Sukhova)
Oblates of the Assumptionассумпционистки
Oblates of the Assumptionконгрегация "Облаты Успения" (A congregation of women dedicated to education and to missionary work)
the AssumptionУспение