
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 25.954  << | >>

18.04.2024 10:03:53 gen. foul language нецензурные выражения (Violence and foul language will not be tolerated. (объявление в приёмной палате госпиталя))
18.04.2024 9:42:42 idiom. tough sell непопулярное решение (The new harmonized tax has turned out to be a tough sell among restaurant owners.)
18.04.2024 9:42:12 idiom. tough sell непопулярная идея
18.04.2024 9:36:16 gen. improperly неподобающим образом (e.g., speaking of carrying out repairs or other work without due care)
18.04.2024 9:34:40 gen. inappropriately неподобающим образом (touching a baby inappropriately – дотронуться до ребёнка неподобающим образом)
18.04.2024 9:31:54 law, contr. is not responsible and assumes no liability не несёт ответственности (While every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, XYZ Inc. is not responsible and assumes no liability for any action by any person in utilizing this financial information.)
18.04.2024 9:31:39 law, contr. shall not be liable не несёт ответственности (... shall not be liable to you for such deductions, withholdings or remittances – не несёт перед Вами ответственности)
18.04.2024 9:31:10 law, contr. will not be held liable не несёт ответственности (за – for: As the designated Greenville Shopping Center Santa Claus, I will not be held liable for any unfulfilled wishes.)
18.04.2024 7:10:47 idiom. on the lookout начеку (Our officers are on the lookout for drunk drivers 24/7.)
18.04.2024 7:08:56 crim.law. sexual assault насильственные действия сексуального характера (as in ч. 1 ст. 132 УК РФ)
18.04.2024 6:58:01 disappr. do you realize what you have done? ты вообще понимаешь, что ты наделал? (Do you realize what you have done? Do you have any idea at all?)
18.04.2024 6:53:26 disappr. ram through навязать (The residents were outraged by the way the mayor and his councillors rammed this shelter through.)
18.04.2024 6:52:28 disappr. ram through навязать силой (The residents were outraged by the way the mayor and his councillors rammed this shelter through.)
18.04.2024 5:54:44 cliche. that's a new one это что-то новое (Montana is known for plenty of large wildlife like bears, mountain goats and elk. But elephants? That's a new one. (NBC Montana) youtube.com)
18.04.2024 5:54:44 cliche. that's a new one это что-то новенькое (Montana is known for plenty of large wildlife like bears, mountain goats and elk. But elephants? That's a new one. (NBC Montana) youtube.com)
18.04.2024 5:00:28 hydrol. originate брать своё начало (о реке, источнике: The spring originate in the eastern Mendips, collecting mineral salts on the way, and and reaching the surface again at Bath. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
18.04.2024 4:19:49 disappr. stunt выходка ("Let me tell you, Wooster: one more stunt like this and you'll find yourself in need of serious repairs!" (Jeeves in the Country) -- ещё одна подобная выходка • Since December 2023, the daredevil has posted several pictures and videos of dangerous feats, including one in which he claims to be urinating off a tower on the Lions Gate Bridge. In another video, posted last week on Instagram, he can be seen standing between two SkyTrain cars that are hurtling toward Stadium-Chinatown Station in Vancouver. According to Metro Vancouver Transit Police, the SkyTrain stunt is already under investigation. In a statement, Const. Travis Blair described the behaviour as "extremely dangerous," with the potential to result in "life-long injuries or death." "Riding, standing or holding onto the exterior of a transit vehicle is an offence punishable by fine or (criminal) charges," Blair told CTV News. (bc.ctvnews.ca))
17.04.2024 10:46:08 hobby skateboard роликовая доска
17.04.2024 10:04:27 inf. whiz past мотаться (мимо: This used to be a quiet neighbourhood and now that they've built this new highway exit we've got cars whizzing past 24/7.)
17.04.2024 9:40:38 cliche. where do I start? с чего же начать? ("What would you change about your husband, Kerry?" "Change about Todd? Ahhh... Where do I start?")
17.04.2024 8:54:08 cliche. not so long ago совсем недавно
17.04.2024 8:53:57 cliche. fairly recently совсем недавно
17.04.2024 8:54:28 cliche. just recently совсем недавно (A contributor on BNN today said the business climate in Canada is already poor and noted that there used to be 12 solar panel production companies in Ontario and over the past decade 11 have left with the last one moving to Connecticut just recently. (Twitter) • The CRTC just recently handed down this decision.)
17.04.2024 8:53:30 cliche. just a little while ago совсем недавно
17.04.2024 6:00:56 media. fake news story вброс (Beware of misinformation. Another one of those fake news stories, which turns into a deceptive ad, is making the rounds. (Twitter))
17.04.2024 6:00:56 media. fake news story лженовость (Beware of misinformation. Another one of those fake news stories, which turns into a deceptive ad, is making the rounds. (Twitter))
17.04.2024 6:00:56 media. fake news story фальшивка (Beware of misinformation. Another one of those fake news stories, which turns into a deceptive ad, is making the rounds. (Twitter))
17.04.2024 5:53:43 gen. not have enough detail недостаточно подробный (The map does not have enough detail to look up an individual address.)
17.04.2024 5:26:35 formal further note далее отметить (He concluded that personal experiences, coupled with replicable scientific studies, are pivotal in substantiating the efficacy of energy healing. He further noted that we are currently witnessing a paradigm shift towards an energy-based model of health. -- Далее он отметил, что ... (coasttocoastam.com))
17.04.2024 5:23:57 scient. replicable scientific studies воспроизводимые исследования (Leskowitz underscored the practicality of incorporating meditation and physical exercise, particularly from disciplines like yoga, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong, to enhance one's energy field. He concluded that personal experiences, coupled with replicable scientific studies, are pivotal in substantiating the efficacy of energy healing. (coasttocoastam.com) • Зачем проводить воспроизводимые исследования? Воспроизводимое исследование позволяет исследователям гарантировать, что они могут многократно повторять один и тот же анализ с одинаковыми результатами в любой момент этого процесса. (из рус. источников))
17.04.2024 5:12:58 welln. physical exercise физические упражнения (Leskowitz underscored the practicality of incorporating meditation and physical exercise, particularly from disciplines like yoga, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong, to enhance one's energy field. (coasttocoastam.com))
17.04.2024 5:09:44 med., alt. energy healing лечение биоэнергией (Лечение биоэнергией, биоэнерготерапия – лечение болезней и патологий с помощью биологической энергии • Psychiatrist Eric Leskowitz, MD, has published over 50 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and is the author/editor of four books. In the first half, he discussed the wealth of evidence supporting the reality of the human biofield, the role of life energy in healing therapies, and the many manifestations of energy at individual, group, and global levels. He shared his personal journey of moving away from a more traditional stance after discovering the power of energy healing and alternative medicine. The biofield, he explained, can be considered an energy field around and within the human body, and its reality has been demonstrated by such energy healing modalities as Reiki. (coasttocoastam.com))
17.04.2024 4:20:13 life.sc. human biofield биополе человека (Psychiatrist Eric Leskowitz, MD, has published over 50 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and is the author/editor of four books. In the first half, he discussed the wealth of evidence supporting the reality of the human biofield, the role of life energy in healing therapies, and the many manifestations of energy at individual, group, and global levels. (coasttocoastam.com))
17.04.2024 4:15:29 gen. deem compelling счесть убедительным (Malm indicated that the oddity stayed surfaced for approximately four minutes before it eventually vanished back into the waters of Loch Ness. In what may be a maddening detail to those who have spent countless hours looking for Nessie, the tourist noted that it was actually his family's first visit to the location. He also mused that the experience transformed him from a "total skeptic" to thinking "there must be something there." To that end, Malm subsequently submitted his image and account to the Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Registry, which deemed it "compelling" and recognized it as the first official sighting of 2024. (coasttocoastam.com))
17.04.2024 4:08:17 photo. take an image сделать фото (A British tourist recently snapped a photo of a peculiar anomaly emerging from the water of Loch Ness and, in turn, has been credited with the first official sighting of the site's famed monster for 2024. The intriguing image, seen below, was reportedly taken by Parry Malm on April 4th as he and his family were vacationing at the popular Scottish location. (coasttocoastam.com))
17.04.2024 4:08:17 photo. take an image сделать снимок (A British tourist recently snapped a photo of a peculiar anomaly emerging from the water of Loch Ness and, in turn, has been credited with the first official sighting of the site's famed monster for 2024. The intriguing image, seen below, was reportedly taken by Parry Malm on April 4th as he and his family were vacationing at the popular Scottish location. (coasttocoastam.com))
16.04.2024 7:24:49 gen. but there's more to the story но это ещё не всё (Courtoy’s tomb would be remarkable for its imposing stature and cryptic veneer alone: It’s the largest, most elaborate construction in Brompton. But there’s more to the story. For the many visitors who make moonlight visits to the cemetery and for a small band of London raconteurs, the tomb’s missing key and resulting lack of access has led to speculation that something strange is going on inside—that it's secretly a time machine. (mentalfloss.com))
16.04.2024 7:20:53 show.biz. secure договориться о приезде (или выступлении знаменитости: "The Queen Elizabeth Theatre is unfortunately the largest venue that was available to us on the day we were able to secure Mrs. Obama for that particular date," he says. Black admits no other event has sold out so fast.)
16.04.2024 5:50:06 gen. be a happy-go-lucky person жить, не думая о завтрашнем дне (A happy-go-lucky person does not plan much and accepts what happens without becoming worried. (Cambridge Dictionary) | Someone who is happy-go-lucky enjoys life and does not worry about the future. (Collins Dictionary): "I started out as a happy-go-lucky photojournalist...[but when] I stumbled on the story of Danny Casolaro and started learning about the CIA's involvement with drug dealing...I was so appalled I had keep to pushing on to either disprove these allegations...or come to terms with them," he revealed. (coasttocoastam.com))
16.04.2024 5:50:06 gen. be a happy-go-lucky person жить беззаботно (A happy-go-lucky person does not plan much and accepts what happens without becoming worried. (Cambridge Dictionary) | Someone who is happy-go-lucky enjoys life and does not worry about the future. (Collins Dictionary): "I started out as a happy-go-lucky photojournalist...[but when] I stumbled on the story of Danny Casolaro and started learning about the CIA's involvement with drug dealing...I was so appalled I had keep to pushing on to either disprove these allegations...or come to terms with them," he revealed. (coasttocoastam.com))
16.04.2024 5:46:31 gen. be a happy-go-lucky person не загадывать наперёд (A happy-go-lucky person does not plan much and accepts what happens without becoming worried. (Cambridge Dictionary) | Someone who is happy-go-lucky enjoys life and does not worry about the future. (Collins Dictionary): "I started out as a happy-go-lucky photojournalist...[but when] I stumbled on the story of Danny Casolaro and started learning about the CIA's involvement with drug dealing...I was so appalled I had keep to pushing on to either disprove these allegations...or come to terms with them," he revealed. (coasttocoastam.com))
16.04.2024 5:45:43 gen. be a happy-go-lucky person жить сегодняшним днём (A happy-go-lucky person does not plan much and accepts what happens without becoming worried. (Cambridge Dictionary) | Someone who is happy-go-lucky enjoys life and does not worry about the future. (Collins Dictionary): "I started out as a happy-go-lucky photojournalist...[but when] I stumbled on the story of Danny Casolaro and started learning about the CIA's involvement with drug dealing...I was so appalled I had keep to pushing on to either disprove these allegations...or come to terms with them," he revealed. (coasttocoastam.com))
16.04.2024 5:44:26 gen. be a happy-go-lucky person жить одним днём (A happy-go-lucky person does not plan much and accepts what happens without becoming worried. (Cambridge Dictionary) | Someone who is happy-go-lucky enjoys life and does not worry about the future. (Collins Dictionary): "I started out as a happy-go-lucky photojournalist...[but when] I stumbled on the story of Danny Casolaro and started learning about the CIA's involvement with drug dealing...I was so appalled I had keep to pushing on to either disprove these allegations...or come to terms with them," he revealed. (coasttocoastam.com))
16.04.2024 5:33:43 penitent. serve a long sentence отсидеть много лет (... Hansen and Treitz picking him up from prison (after he served a long sentence) and interviewing him over a long drive in the desert. (coasttocoastam.com))
16.04.2024 5:28:18 elect. win the election победить на выборах (This was supposedly tied in with the 1980 "October surprise," in which Iran allegedly held back American hostages to help Reagan win the election. (coasttocoastam.com))
16.04.2024 4:54:51 gen. peer into заглядывать в (окно, дверь, некий портал: Hawthorne also touched on telepathic communications he received from the Reptilian, which took the form of brief phrases, as well as how, in some of the video footage, it seemed as though he might have been peering into a kind of portal where other entities were coming through. (coasttocoastam.com))
16.04.2024 4:49:39 idiom. make a break for it вырваться на свободу (to escape from/towards somewhere or something, often by force (Cambridge Dictionary): According to a local media report, the wild incident occurred early Saturday morning in the Cape Town suburb of Grassy Park. During a skirmish between two hippos at the Rondevlei Nature Reserve, one of the monstrous creatures attempted to flee the fracas and, in doing so, barreled through a fence to freedom. Noting that the fence that fell to the hippo during its escape was newly built, residents are understandably calling for the barrier to be strengthened in order to prevent future incidents wherein the sizable animals make a break for it. coasttocoastam.com)
16.04.2024 4:43:56 gen. barrel through a fence проломить забор (Residents of a South African community were forced to shelter in place after a hippopotamus managed to escape a neighboring nature reserve and took to the streets. During a skirmish between two hippos at the Rondevlei Nature Reserve, one of the monstrous creatures attempted to flee the fracas and, in doing so, barreled through a fence to freedom. The enormous animal subsequently set off on something of an adventure, strolling down the streets of Grassy Park to the uneasiness of people living in the community. coasttocoastam.com)
16.04.2024 4:43:56 gen. barrel through a fence проломить ограждение (Residents of a South African community were forced to shelter in place after a hippopotamus managed to escape a neighboring nature reserve and took to the streets. During a skirmish between two hippos at the Rondevlei Nature Reserve, one of the monstrous creatures attempted to flee the fracas and, in doing so, barreled through a fence to freedom. The enormous animal subsequently set off on something of an adventure, strolling down the streets of Grassy Park to the uneasiness of people living in the community. coasttocoastam.com)
16.04.2024 4:40:13 gen. hunker down попрятаться (при наступлении природной катастрофы, эпидемии, перед ураганом и т.д.)
16.04.2024 4:37:34 gen. shelter in place попрятаться (Residents of a South African community were forced to shelter in place after a hippopotamus managed to escape a neighboring nature reserve and took to the streets. According to a local media report, the wild incident occurred early Saturday morning in the Cape Town suburb of Grassy Park. coasttocoastam.com)
16.04.2024 4:37:34 gen. shelter in place укрыться от опасности (Residents of a South African community were forced to shelter in place after a hippopotamus managed to escape a neighboring nature reserve and took to the streets. According to a local media report, the wild incident occurred early Saturday morning in the Cape Town suburb of Grassy Park. coasttocoastam.com)
16.04.2024 4:34:17 journ. echo that assessment согласен с этой оценкой (A Canadian man is at his wit's end due to a nefarious individual who has repeatedly ordered pizzas to his home and workplace for the last six months. Since the start of the year, the beleaguered man has received an additional three unwanted orders from the popular chain, leaving little doubt that he is being targeted. RCMP officer Troy Savinkoff echoed that assessment, musing that one order might be dismissed as a fairly harmless prank, but "we're into more of a mischief, fraud, and now harassment. That continuing behavior is concerning." coasttocoastam.com)
16.04.2024 4:31:59 gen. harmless prank безобидная шутка (A Canadian man is at his wit's end due to a nefarious individual who has repeatedly ordered pizzas to his home and workplace for the last six months. Since the start of the year, the beleaguered man has received an additional three unwanted orders from the popular chain, leaving little doubt that he is being targeted. RCMP officer Troy Savinkoff echoed that assessment, musing that one order might be dismissed as a fairly harmless prank, but "we're into more of a mischief, fraud, and now harassment. That continuing behavior is concerning." coasttocoastam.com)
16.04.2024 4:29:32 hack. identity theft кража персональных данных (A Canadian man is at his wit's end due to a nefarious individual who has repeatedly ordered pizzas to his home and workplace for the last six months. An email confirming the transaction soon led to the suspicion that he was the victim of identify theft. After a third unwanted delivery attempt, Rybicki took the drastic measure of having himself blacklisted by Pizza 73, but this did little to thwart his tormentor, who simply began placing orders with Domino's. coasttocoastam.com)
16.04.2024 4:15:02 theatre. perform in theatre productions участвовать в самодеятельности (When she's not reporting the news, Katie enjoys making short films, travelling and performing in theatre productions.)
16.04.2024 4:15:13 theatre. perform in theatre productions играть в любительском театре (When she's not reporting the news, Katie enjoys making short films, travelling and performing in theatre productions.)
16.04.2024 4:15:22 theatre. perform in theatre productions играть в самодеятельном театре (When she's not reporting the news, Katie enjoys making short films, travelling and performing in theatre productions.)
16.04.2024 4:15:31 theatre. perform in theatre productions выступать в любительских театральных постановках (When she's not reporting the news, Katie enjoys making short films, travelling and performing in theatre productions.)
16.04.2024 4:15:42 theatre. perform in theatre productions играть в любительских театральных постановках (When she's not reporting the news, Katie enjoys making short films, travelling and performing in theatre productions.)
16.04.2024 3:09:16 gen. money-losing разорительный (A money-losing Monday as tensions rise in the Middle East • a money-losing enterprise)
16.04.2024 3:09:16 gen. money-losing убыточный (A money-losing Monday as tensions rise in the Middle East • a money-losing enterprise)
15.04.2024 9:02:44 cliche. spend quality time с пользой провести время (with someone)
15.04.2024 9:00:25 tech. under remote guidance с помощью дистанционного управления (The compact electric robo vehicle, approximately the size of a small van, patrols roads day and night. Equipped with autonomous driving abilities, it navigates streets independently or under remote human guidance. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 8:53:56 meteorol. warmer temperatures потепление (Warmer temperatures have caused flooding in the low-lying areas.)
15.04.2024 8:53:12 meteorol. warming trend потепление (A warming trend kicks in just in time for the weekend.)
15.04.2024 8:06:51 fig. leap forward in скачок в технологии (As ARRES takes its first steps on the roads, we’re witnessing a leap forward in infrastructure management. With this AI-powered robot, potholes may soon become a thing of the past. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 8:01:25 sarcast. cough up some money выделить средства (на проект, ремонт и т.д.: The city has decided the project is going ahead whether or not the federal government coughs up some money.)
15.04.2024 8:00:43 busin. provide funding выделять средства (на проект: Innovate UK recognized its potential and provided funding in 2021, propelling ARRES from theory to practical application. Since then, other organizations, including Horizon Europe, CERN, the Department For Transport in the UK and the CAM UK program, have provided funding. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 8:00:43 busin. provide funding выделить средства (на проект: Innovate UK recognized its potential and provided funding in 2021, propelling ARRES from theory to practical application. Since then, other organizations, including Horizon Europe, CERN, the Department For Transport in the UK and the CAM UK program, have provided funding. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 8:00:43 busin. provide funding выделить денежные средства (на проект: Innovate UK recognized its potential and provided funding in 2021, propelling ARRES from theory to practical application. Since then, other organizations, including Horizon Europe, CERN, the Department For Transport in the UK and the CAM UK program, have provided funding. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 7:54:50 busin. cost savings экономия средств (The new technology promises efficiency and cost savings.)
15.04.2024 7:40:26 tech. navigate streets передвигаться по улицам (The compact electric robo vehicle, approximately the size of a small van, patrols roads day and night. Equipped with autonomous driving abilities, it navigates streets independently or under remote human guidance. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 7:34:28 tech. unmanned robotic vehicle автономный робот-автомобиль (ARRES Prevent combines artificial intelligence (AI) and an unmanned robotic vehicle to tackle potholes head-on. The compact electric robo vehicle, approximately the size of a small van, patrols roads day and night. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 7:34:50 tech. unmanned robotic vehicle беспилотный робот-автомобиль (ARRES Prevent combines artificial intelligence (AI) and an unmanned robotic vehicle to tackle potholes head-on. The compact electric robo vehicle, approximately the size of a small van, patrols roads day and night. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 6:17:04 tech. safety features средства обеспечения безопасности
15.04.2024 7:37:54 tech. safety feature средство обеспечения безопасности (A waypoint navigation system guides the vehicle from one point to another. As an added safety feature, it can be remotely controlled, monitored or stopped. -- в качестве дополнительного средства обеспечения безопасности (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 9:00:25 tech. under remote guidance с помощью дистанционного управления (The compact electric robo vehicle, approximately the size of a small van, patrols roads day and night. Equipped with autonomous driving abilities, it navigates streets independently or under remote human guidance. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 7:36:43 tech. under remote guidance посредством дистанционного управления (The compact electric robo vehicle, approximately the size of a small van, patrols roads day and night. Equipped with autonomous driving abilities, it navigates streets independently or under remote human guidance. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 7:36:11 tech. leverage advanced technology использовать передовую технологию (By leveraging advanced imaging technology, ARRES Eye identifies surface issues such as cracks, potholes and other damage. It identifies their exact location, assesses their severity and prioritizes repair tasks. The collected data is logged into a central database for management. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 7:35:42 tech. leverage advanced technology задействовать передовую технологию (By leveraging advanced imaging technology, ARRES Eye identifies surface issues such as cracks, potholes and other damage. It identifies their exact location, assesses their severity and prioritizes repair tasks. The collected data is logged into a central database for management. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 7:38:31 tech. pivotal component центральный элемент (The ARRES Eye technology, a pivotal component of the system, is strategically installed on various vehicles, including buses, trucks and maintenance vehicles. -- центральный элемент системы (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 5:54:31 road.wrk. pothole jolted the car машину подбросило на колдобине (Have you ever been in a situation where you're cruising down the road, enjoying a smooth ride, when suddenly — wham — you hit a pothole? It jolts your car and reminds you of the never-ending battle against these road menaces. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 5:50:31 gen. cruise down the road ехать по дороге (общее значение; на одной скорости:: Have you ever been in a situation where you're cruising down the road, enjoying a smooth ride, when suddenly — wham — you hit a pothole? It jolts your car and reminds you of the never-ending battle against these road menaces. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 5:29:29 gen. potential implications возможные выводы (из чего-л., открытые различным толкованиям: an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly (Cambridge Dictionary) | the conclusions that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated (Oxford Dictionary): he delved into the potential implications of Elon Musk's warning about AI, suggesting that Musk's statement about "summoning the demon" alludes to the dangers of playing with fire. Anderson interpreted Musk's words as a caution against the possibility of AI evolving into a sentient entity with its own personality and potentially malevolent intentions. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.04.2024 5:29:29 gen. potential implications потенциальные выводы (из чего-л., открытые различным толкованиям: an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly (Cambridge Dictionary) | the conclusions that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated (Oxford Dictionary): he delved into the potential implications of Elon Musk's warning about AI, suggesting that Musk's statement about "summoning the demon" alludes to the dangers of playing with fire. Anderson interpreted Musk's words as a caution against the possibility of AI evolving into a sentient entity with its own personality and potentially malevolent intentions. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.04.2024 5:14:44 gen. sentient entity разумное существо (She delved into the potential implications of Elon Musk's warning about AI, suggesting that Musk's statement about "summoning the demon" alludes to the dangers of playing with fire. Anderson interpreted Musk's words as a caution against the possibility of AI evolving into a sentient entity with its own personality and potentially malevolent intentions. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.04.2024 5:13:51 gen. sentient entity мыслящее существо (She delved into the potential implications of Elon Musk's warning about AI, suggesting that Musk's statement about "summoning the demon" alludes to the dangers of playing with fire. Anderson interpreted Musk's words as a caution against the possibility of AI evolving into a sentient entity with its own personality and potentially malevolent intentions. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.04.2024 4:58:04 gen. immediate issue актуальная проблема (Tsakiris agreed with Richard's concerns about AI's potential for deception and manipulation, pointing out that these dangers are not distant future scenarios but rather immediate issues. He referenced an incident involving Gemini, Google's chatbot, generating deceptive images that reveal the extent of manipulation already present in AI technology. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.04.2024 4:58:04 gen. immediate issue актуальный вопрос (Tsakiris agreed with Richard's concerns about AI's potential for deception and manipulation, pointing out that these dangers are not distant future scenarios but rather immediate issues. He referenced an incident involving Gemini, Google's chatbot, generating deceptive images that reveal the extent of manipulation already present in AI technology. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.04.2024 4:35:02 police individual неизвестный (A doctor was shot in the face in Vancouver, which has been confirmed as a case of mistaken identity. The 46y/o doctor, who works at Surrey Memorial Hospital, was walking in Downtown Vancouver when an individual approached him. They exchanged words before the doctor was shot in the face. Police believe the shooting may have resulted from a dispute involving two drug dealers, in which the doctor was mistaken for another drug dealer. (Twitter))
15.04.2024 0:06:57 cliche. that's quite enough этого вполне достаточно (Okay, I think that's quite enough.)
14.04.2024 9:43:43 gen. seek to understand стремиться понять (She had no particular interest in Bigfoot until 2012, she related, when she believes to have seen the creature from a car. Since then, she's sought to understand whether Bigfoot is some variety of a North American ape, as some assert, or a more supernatural and spiritual being, which others believe. coasttocoastam.com)
14.04.2024 9:30:22 immigr. COB страна рождения
14.04.2024 9:20:26 gen. antique-looking старинного вида (antique-looking pieces of décor – старинного вида предметы обстановки)
14.04.2024 8:29:35 sarcast. working stiff пролетарий (normally used in the "elitists vs. tax-paying, hard-working guys" context)
14.04.2024 8:25:21 proced.law. prosecutor's supervision прокурорский надзор
14.04.2024 8:09:03 cliche. it's got nothing to do with me при чём здесь я? (It's got nothing to do with me. I'm staying out of it. – При чём здесь я? Разбирайтесь сами / без меня.)
14.04.2024 6:30:05 gov. in one's community по месту жительства
14.04.2024 6:28:54 confect. bite-sized помещающийся целиком во рту (bite-sized desserts)

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