
Terms for subject General containing subject matter | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
cover the entirety of the subject matterохватывать все вопросы
dispute subject matterпредмет спора (Alexander Demidov)
diverse subject matterразнообразная тематика (Your choice of such diverse subject matter epitomizes a great travel magazine. Bravo! ART Vancouver)
have honed in on unsavoury subject matterзатрагивать неприятные темы (nsnews.com Alex_Odeychuk)
mastery of the subject matterзнание предмета (Each student must demonstrate mastery of the subject matter in order to pass the class. – dimock merriam-webster.com dimock)
mastery of the subject matterвладение предметом (Each student must demonstrate mastery of the subject matter in order to pass the class. – merriam-webster.com dimock)
on the subject matter in questionпо существу вопроса (AD Alexander Demidov)
personal, territorial or subject-matter jurisdictionподведомственность или подсудность (Alexander Demidov)
poor level of subject matter retentionнизкий уровень знаний (Johnny Bravo)
simple subject matterпростой сюжет
subject matterучебная дисциплина
subject matterвопросы, которые являются предметом (Alexander Demidov)
subject matterпредметная составляющая (Alexander Demidov)
subject matterсущность
subject matterтема (книги, лекции)
subject matterотраслевой (Евгений Тамарченко)
subject matterтематика (Alexander Demidov)
subject matterсодержание
subject matterсущество
subject matterпредмет
subject matterсодержание (тема книги, лекции и т.п.)
subject matterсмысловое наполнение (Баян)
subject matterпредмет науки
subject matterпредмет изучения
subject matter and cause of actionпредмет и основание иска (Alexander Demidov)
subject matter, area under discussionсубъектный состав (palomnik)
subject matter expertспециалист в конкретной области (SergeyL)
subject matter expertспециалист узкого профиля (tisk)
subject matter expertспециалист в соответствующей области (Stas-Soleil)
subject matter expertпрофильный эксперт (Е. Тамарченко, 15.03.2017 Евгений Тамарченко)
subject matter expertпрофильный специалист (tisk)
subject matter expertспециалист-эксперт (Е. Тамарченко, 15.03.2017 Евгений Тамарченко)
subject matter expertспециалист профильного направления (tisk)
subject matter expertэксперт в предметной области (ElenaGrom)
subject matter expertiseсоставление экспертного мнения (Ася Кудрявцева)
subject matter in controversyпредмет спора (Alexander Demidov)
subject matter jurisdictionподведомственность (для отличия от "подсудности" (court jurisdiction) Alexander Demidov)
subject matter of an actionпредмет иска (Subject matter of the action refers to the action or instance of soliciting. It is the physical facts, the things real or personal, the money, lands, and chattels in relation to which a suit is prosecuted. Subject matter of action is not the delict or wrong committed by the defendant. For example in a defamation action, the subject matter of the action is the allegedly slanderous statements made at the meeting. It is a fatal objection to the jurisdiction of the court when it has not cognizance of the subject-matter of the action. uslegal.com Alexander Demidov)
subject matter of an actionоснование иска (Alexander Demidov)
subject matter of analysisпредмет анализа (goroshko)
subject matter of insuranceобъект страхования (Anything in respect of which there is a risk of loss from maritime perils may be the subject of marine insurance. It will be recalled that there is a distinction between the subject matter of insurance and the subject matter of the contract of insurance, that every lawful marine adventure may be the subject of a contract of marine insurance, and that a contract of marine insurance may be extended to cover risks other than maritime perils in a narrow sense. However, even though a marine insurance contract may include risks arising inland, the contract must be substantially one relating to a marine adventure. Therefore, the subject matter of the insurance must be capable of exposure to maritime perils. Alexander Demidov)
subject matter of insuranceобъект страхования (Anything in respect of which there is a risk of loss from maritime perils may be the subject of marine insurance. It will be recalled that there is a distinction between the subject matter of insurance and the subject matter of the contract of insurance, that every lawful marine adventure may be the subject of a contract of marine insurance, and that a contract of marine insurance may be extended to cover risks other than maritime perils in a narrow sense. However, even though a marine insurance contract may include risks arising inland, the contract must be substantially one relating to a marine adventure. Therefore, the subject matter of the insurance must be capable of exposure to maritime perils. – АД)
subject matter of publicityпредмет огласки (tavost)
subject matter of tenderобъект тендера (Alexander Demidov)
subject matter of the agreementПредмет договора (ROGER YOUNG)
subject matter of the conferenceтематика совещания
subject matter of the conferenceтематика конференции
subject matter of the crimeпредмет преступления (tina_tina)
subject matter of the investigationпредмет расследования (Alexander Demidov)
subject matter specialistспециалист в конкретной области (soa.iya)
subject matter specialistпрофильный специалист (soa.iya)
subject matter specialistспециалист профильного направления (soa.iya)
subject matter specialistэксперт (soa.iya)
subject matter specialistспециалист узкого профиля (soa.iya)
subject matter specialistэксперт в конкретной области (soa.iya)
subject-matterотраслевой (adj. // Е. Тамарченко, 15.03.2017 Евгений Тамарченко)
subject-matterтематический (adj. // Е. Тамарченко, 15.03.2017 Евгений Тамарченко)
subject-matterпрофильный (adj. // Е. Тамарченко, 15.03.2017 Евгений Тамарченко)
subject-matter disciplineпредметная дисциплина / область
subject-matter jurisdictionподсудность споров (Subject-matter jurisdiction is the authority of a court to hear cases of a particular type or cases relating to a specific subject matter. For instance, bankruptcy court only has the authority to hear bankruptcy cases. Subject-matter jurisdiction must be distinguished from personal jurisdiction, which is the power of a court to render a judgment against a particular defendant, and territorial jurisdiction, which is the power of the court to render a judgment concerning events that have occurred within a well-defined territory. Unlike personal or territorial jurisdiction, lack of subject-matter jurisdiction cannot be waived. A judgment from a court that did not have subject-matter jurisdiction is forever a nullity. WK Alexander Demidov)
subject-matter trainerтренажёр-репетитор
this Agreement shall contain the entire agreement between the Parties as to the subject matter thereof, and shall supersede and render null and void any other warranties and representations that might have been accepted or made by the Parties, whether verbally or in writing, prior to closing the deal.настоящий договор содержит весь объём соглашений между сторонами в отношений предмета договора, отменяет и делает недействительными все другие обязательства или представления, которые могли быть приняты или сделаны сторонами, будь то в устной или письменной форме, до заключения сделки
trivial subject matterмелкотемье (Andrey Truhachev)