
Terms for subject Religion containing Львов | all forms | exact matches only
Библия сына, изо львов исшедшегоLions Bible A Bible issued in 1804 containing many printers' errors, including 1Kgs:8:19: "but thy son that shall come forth out of thy lions" for "... out of thy loins"
лев от колена ИудинаLion of the tribe of Juda (Откровение Иоанна Богослова 5:5 Lena Nolte)
"Проповедь о чудесном ото льва избавлении"Lion Sermon (Preached annually in October at St. Katharine Cree Church in London to commemorate "the wonderfull escape" of Sir John Gayer from a lion)
ров со львамиden of lions
христиан ко льву! христиан на растерзание хищным зверям!Christianos ad leonem! (Latin for "Christians to lion!")