
Terms containing rural community | all forms | in specified order only
lawCommission for Rural CommunitiesКомиссия по сельским населённым пунктам Великобритании (Konstantin 1966)
econ.community-based rural developmentразвитие сельских районов на базе общин
irish.lang.Department of Community,Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsМинистерство по делам общин, сельских и Гэльских районов (Ирландия tania_mouse)
org.name.International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development: New challenges and options for revitalizing rural communitiesМеждународная конференция по вопросам аграрной реформы и развития сельских районов
lawNatural Environment and Rural Communities ActЗакон о защите окружающей среды и сельских населённых пункт (Konstantin 1966)
gen.rural communityселяне (Alexander Matytsin)
Makarov.rural communityсельскохозяйственные круги
admin.geo.rural communityсельское поселение (To the south are little rural communities—still too individual to be called suburbs—such as Surlingham,Stoke Holy Cross and Caister St Edmund. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) ART Vancouver)
sociol.rural communityсельский населённый пункт
sociol.rural communityсельское общество
admin.geo.rural communityпосёлок (To the south are little rural communities—still too individual to be called suburbs—such as Surlingham,Stoke Holy Cross and Caister St Edmund. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) ART Vancouver)
construct.rural communityдеревня
construct.rural communityселение
construct.rural communityпосёлок
admin.geo.rural communityсельский посёлок (To the south are little rural communities—still too individual to be called suburbs—such as Surlingham,Stoke Holy Cross and Caister St Edmund. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) ART Vancouver)
Makarov.rural communityфермеры
gen.rural communityсело (masizonenko)
gen.rural communityсельская община (bigmaxus)