
Terms for subject Religion containing U | all forms | exact matches only
A.U.Рим ("beloved city", Rome, сокр. от Alma Urbs)
Allah'u'abhaАлаа-у-абха (Приветствие Бахаи feya)
Colop U UichkinКолоп У Уичкин (божество затмения у индейцев майя collegia)
dispensation of Baha'u'llahЗаконоцарствие Бахауллы (в Св. Писаниях бахаи wchupin)
Hou T'uХоу-Ту (In Chinese mythology, the spirit of the earth, first worshiped in ИЗ ВС)
Itzananohk'uИцананохку (бог-покровитель народа лакандонов collegia)
Itzananohk'uИцананоку (бог-покровитель народа лакандонов collegia)
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.Национальный совет Церквей Христовых США (An agency of Protestant, Anglican, and Eastern Orthodox denominations that was formed in 1950 in the United States by the merger of 12 national interdenominational agencies)
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.Национальный совет Церквей
p'uсостояние разума до получения первичного опыта (In Chinese Taoism, metaphorical expression often translated as "uncarved block" and signifying the primordial condition of the mind before it has been affected by experiences)
P'u-t'oПью-то (One of the famous mountains in China that has become a sacred site for Buddhists; святая гора)
T'u-tiТуди ("Place God", type of Chinese god whose deification and functions are determined by local residents)