
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing ALL | all forms | exact matches only
All bent out of shapeраздражённый (Interex)
All bent out of shapeсердитый (Interex)
All bent out of shapeразгневанный (Interex)
All bent out of shapeогорчённый (Interex)
All bent out of shapeрасстроенный (Upset or angry. Interex)
all-hands meetingсовещание для всех (Yeldar Azanbayev)
all of the things that we hold dearвсё, что нам дорого (“When America stands for principles, and all of the things that we hold dear, it requires sometimes for us to put ourselves out there in a way that maybe we will incur some cost,” Harris said. “In this situation, that may relate to energy costs.” theguardian.com 4uzhoj)
All over the mapне сосредоточен (о человеке Interex)
All over the mapрассеянныйо человеке (Not focused or clear in one's thinking Interex)
all rightвсё в порядке (one is all right -- у кого-л. всё в порядке: I should probably call the babysitter to make sure the kids are all right. – убедиться, что у них всё в порядке ART Vancouver)
all should be okayвсё будет в порядке (Facebook viewers were left divided over the clip as some did agree the house could be haunted. One user said: "Wow... you're haunted! I mean as long as they don't harm, and if you could tell them they're not allowed to scare your kids, all should be okay." (mirror.co.uk) ART Vancouver)
all should be okayвсё будет нормально (Facebook viewers were left divided over the clip as some did agree the house could be haunted. One user said: "Wow... you're haunted! I mean as long as they don't harm, and if you could tell them they're not allowed to scare your kids, all should be okay." (mirror.co.uk) ART Vancouver)
all the best toпередавай привет (ART Vancouver)
all things consideredв целом (ART Vancouver)
all things must passничто не вечно (Юрий Гомон)
all things will passничто не вечно (Юрий Гомон)
all we hold dearвсё, что нам дорого (Alex_Odeychuk)
but for all theно несмотря на все (усилия: But for all the places that claim connections with the outlaw, for all the ballads and broadsheets, plays and proverbs, mimes and rhymes, historians have found Robin Hood and his merry men as hard to track down as any Sheriff of Nottingham ever did. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) ART Vancouver)
by all meansвсеми способами (ART Vancouver)
by all means necessaryвсеми способами (ART Vancouver)
for allпри всех (своих проблемах, недостатках, ошибках и т.п.: Days like today remind me how fortunate I am to live in a place as beautiful as Kamloops — for all its issues, there is no place like it! (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
I get that all the timeмне об этом постоянно говорят ("You're really tall!" "Yeah, I get that all the time." ART Vancouver)
I wish all the best toя желаю всего наилучшего (While I am sad to be giving up the mayor's chair, I wish all the best to our new mayor, Ken Wong. ART Vancouver)
I wish all ... would be as ... about their work.если бы все ... так ... относились к своей работе (I wish all young researchers would be as thorough and objective about their work as John. ART Vancouver)
I wish you and your family all the best for the festive seasonПоздравляю с наступающими праздниками и желаю Вам и Вашей семье всего наилучшего (Leonid Dzhepko)
I'm all forя полностью поддерживаю (I'm all for building more condos... but this location isn't the best in terms of transit. It's situated just smacked-dabbed between Joyce Station and Patterson. The amenities are nearby, but I would hate to drive through there during rush hour. (burnabynow.com) ART Vancouver)
I'm all forя полностью за то, чтобы (I'm all for building more condos... but this location isn't the best in terms of transit. It's situated just smacked-dabbed between Joyce Station and Patterson. The amenities are nearby, but I would hate to drive through there during rush hour. (burnabynow.com) ART Vancouver)
I'm all forя обеими руками за то, чтобы (I'm all for fixing the gigantic drug problem in Vancouver, but if we are going to pay approximately $7,500 a year for heroin addicts to get their fix then why do diabetics have to pay for their own meds? It's not like they chose to be a diabetic. Where is the common sense here? ART Vancouver)
in all fairnessпо справедливости говоря (per M. A. Berdy: e.g. In all fairness, he's not a bad artist. По справедливости говоря, он неплохой художник. Leonid Dzhepko)
is all aboutвсё решает (Origami is all about symmetry. – В искусстве оригами всё решает симметрия.  ART Vancouver)
something is all rightв чём-либо нет ничего криминального (igisheva)
something is all rightв чём-либо нет ничего зазорного (igisheva)
something is all rightв чём-либо нет никакого криминала (igisheva)
something is all rightв чём-либо нет ничего плохого (igisheva)
something is all rightв чём-либо нет ничего предосудительного (igisheva)
something is all rightв чём-либо нет ничего страшного (igisheva)
something is all rightв чём-либо нет ничего дурного (igisheva)
is that all there is?только и всего? (ART Vancouver)
it is all right toнет ничего зазорного в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is all right toнет ничего предосудительного в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is all right toнет ничего плохого в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is all right toнет ничего страшного в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is all right toнет ничего криминального в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is all right toнет никакого криминала в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is all right toнет ничего дурного в том, чтобы (igisheva)
it is no good at allэто никуда не годится
it makes no sense at allэто совершенно бессмысленно
it's all aboutвсё дело в ('The cost of rent in Edmonton is nearly $1,400 cheaper than in Vancouver.' 'That's because no one wants to live in Edmonton, it's all about supply and demand. Have you been to Edmonton in February? A $1,400 discount doesn't seem like enough...' ART Vancouver)
it's all about perspectiveу каждого свой взгляд на эти вещи (ART Vancouver)
it's all about perspectiveэто с какой стороны посмотреть (ART Vancouver)
it's all for the bestвсе к лучшему
it's all up toвсё решает (1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock sailings have been cancelled because of high winds, and there could be more cancellations – it's all up to Mother Nature! ART Vancouver)
make all the differenceиметь решающее значение (During periods of bad weather, when a late spring or early fall snow covers flowering plants and stops insect activity, and when a vagrant hummingbird shows up in winter at a nectar feeder, a clean feeder filled with fresh nectar can make all the difference for a bird’s survival. – имеет решающее значение для выживания птички ART Vancouver)
no good at allникуда не годится
that's all fine and good, butэто всё хорошо, но (That's all fine and good, but they need to address the bottle neck around Hastings and Cassiar to make it work. ART Vancouver)
that's all settled, thenзначит, договорились (Ну, значит, договорились. -- Well, that's all settled, then. • So that's all settled. ART Vancouver)
that's what ... is all aboutв этом суть ("That's not conflict of interest. That's favoritism." Fine – whatever you call it, should there be inequality in sports? "If you take the risk, if you put up the money. That's what free enterprise is all about." (Vanity Fair) ART Vancouver)
there is no difference at allнет никакой разницы
this is all your faultэто ты во всём виноват (ART Vancouver)
we've all been thereне ты первый, не ты последний (Abysslooker)
wishing all the bestжелаю вам всего наилучшего (в конце письма pivoine)
wishing all the bestс наилучшими пожеланиями (pivoine)
Wishing you all the best for the New Year!Пусть Новый Год подарит Вам все самое лучшее! (Leonid Dzhepko)
with all due respect toпри всём моём уважении к (For some on council, including Couns. Betty Forbes, Lisa Muri and Jim Hanson, the plan was simply too big, too expensive, bringing too many people and cars to the area with too little benefit in exchange. “With all due respect to the designers, it reminds me of a U.S. prison work yard in the centre, so, needless to say, my comment is that I don’t like it,” Forbes said. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
with the game all but decidedкогда судьба матча была уже решена (VLZ_58)