
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user fddhhdot: 324  >>

7.02.2024 13:30:21 gen. Public Service Hall Дом Юстиции (Грузия)
9.10.2023 7:10:32 gen. stucco тиснение "червяк"
9.05.2023 12:02:10 idiom. in the wind в бегах (on the run; hiding from the law: The suspects are in the wind.)
6.05.2023 11:08:21 ed. be promoted to the next grade перейти в следующий класс (In Chicago, the nation’s third-largest school district with some 340,000 students, the Board of Education will vote on Wednesday on a proposal that would promote all elementary and middle school students to the next grade, regardless of whether they have fallen behind.)
6.05.2023 11:06:05 ed. retain in the same grade оставить на второй год (Students who lag behind their classmates are sometimes retained in the same grade to give them a chance to "catch up.")
12.04.2023 20:29:50 gen. candidate экзаменуемый
15.02.2023 21:59:19 int.rel. director of consular affairs директор консульского департамента (МИД Бахрейна)
10.02.2023 10:59:37 lab.law. the first three months of employment shall constitute a probationary period работнику устанавливается испытательный срок в три месяца
1.02.2023 7:51:06 bank. bank account information банковские реквизиты (The seller must then enter their bank account information into their Amazon account.)
30.01.2023 17:00:44 bank. loan currency валюта, в которой предоставляется кредит
22.01.2023 1:10:07 pets humping садка
22.01.2023 0:18:17 gen. reproductive maturity половая зрелость
17.01.2023 12:29:32 idiom. like nails on a chalkboard как пенопластом по стеклу
14.01.2023 23:40:35 gen. mob mentality стадный инстинкт
14.01.2023 23:38:46 gen. crowd mentality стадный инстинкт
4.01.2023 3:02:21 slang hook-up перепих (a meeting for sex)
4.01.2023 3:01:47 slang hookup перепих (a meeting for sex)
2.01.2023 0:58:08 slang body count количество половых партнёров (the number of sexual partners one has slept with)
23.12.2022 20:25:49 gen. potato masher толкушка
23.12.2022 11:50:58 law reinstatement of parental rights восстановление в родительских правах
11.12.2022 21:48:48 law execution подписи сторон (пункт договора)
6.12.2022 0:04:04 gen. gritty realism суровый реализм
3.12.2022 0:21:27 tax. mismatch outcome двойной вычет или вычет без включения (A "mismatch outcome" means a "double deduction" (DD) or a "deduction without inclusion" (DNI). taxathand.com)
2.12.2022 6:09:41 tax. micro guarantee scheme программа предоставления микрогарантий
2.12.2022 3:00:25 tax. double deduction двойной вычет
2.12.2022 2:59:07 tax. deduction without inclusion вычет без включения
1.12.2022 21:55:37 tax. tax registration постановка на учёт в налоговом органе
30.11.2022 19:58:20 law certificate of executorship свидетельство об удостоверении полномочий исполнителя завещания
30.11.2022 19:51:28 law legitimating documents правоустанавливающие документы (En to Ru)
25.11.2022 0:36:35 law marital property system режим собственности супругов
25.11.2022 0:36:07 law matrimonial regime режим собственности супругов
25.11.2022 0:33:14 law separate property regime режим раздельной собственности супругов (A matrimonial property regime common in EU countries whereby each spouse owns and administers the property he or she acquired before the marriage and during marriage. One spouse does not have any rights to the other's property. thomsonreuters.com)
25.11.2022 0:31:48 law community property regime режим совместной собственности супругов (A regime under which all assets acquired by a husband and wife during marriage are jointly owned, except personal goods that are exclusively at the disposition of each of the spouses.)
24.11.2022 2:50:25 law stock purchase agreement договор купли-продажи доли в уставном капитале общества
21.11.2022 13:49:17 gen. electric vehicle charging station пункт зарядки электромобилей
21.11.2022 13:45:23 gen. tire inflation station пункт подкачки шин
21.11.2022 13:44:53 gen. tire fill station пункт подкачки шин
21.11.2022 1:27:52 gen. planting plan схема рассадки
20.11.2022 21:58:10 gen. open-plan living room with a kitchen area кухня-гостиная
13.11.2022 1:56:15 gen. not wish harm on somebody не желать зла кому-либо
12.11.2022 21:30:04 gen. pledge fealty to somebody поклясться в верности кому-либо
10.11.2022 13:00:48 USA pray judgement for просить (прошу / the Plaintiff hereby prays that: The Plaintiff therefore prays judgement for the partition of said premises all according to the respective rights of the parties interested therein. • The Plaintiff hereby prays that the Defendants be permanently enjoined from [...])
10.11.2022 12:43:18 law complaint for defamation of character исковое заявление о защите чести и достоинства (townnews.com)
10.11.2022 11:06:52 fig. pod person овощ (a person who behaves in a strange esp. mechanical way, as if not fully human collinsdictionary.com)
9.11.2022 19:40:16 gen. Are you rolling? Ты снимаешь? (roll / cause to begin moving or operating hinative.com)
9.11.2022 19:29:25 gen. lapse of judgment оплошность (Better Call Saul, S01EP01: I don't think they deserve to have their bright futures ruined by a momentary, minute, never-to-be-repeated lapse of judgment.)
9.11.2022 19:13:06 gen. dingy brown грязно-коричневый
9.11.2022 17:35:35 law mailing address адрес для направления корреспонденции (By filing an Appearance form you are telling the court that you are acting as your own attorney and giving the court your mailing address. ct.gov)
9.11.2022 17:27:35 law plaintiff's attorney представитель истца (the attorney who represents a plaintiff (the suing party) in a lawsuit law.com)
9.11.2022 3:38:46 amer. knucklehead раздолбай
9.11.2022 3:29:08 gen. have somebody cornered загнать кого-либо в угол
9.11.2022 2:03:39 gen. build out отстраивать (bring a construction or development project to a completed state / Ozark, S01EP01: We would like to build out our basement, ideally. merriam-webster.com)
8.11.2022 20:07:57 inf. give somebody the heebie-jeebies пугать
8.11.2022 9:15:35 law pandering сутенёрство (the act or practice of furnishing clients for a prostitute or supplying persons for illicit sex acts: Human trafficking violates many other laws as well, including those against kidnapping, slavery, false imprisonment, and pandering. dictionary.com)
8.11.2022 8:42:03 Isr. unprotected lease agreement незащищённый договор аренды
8.11.2022 1:24:51 fig. slip into a fugue state зависнуть (be in an intensely preoccupied, disconnected, or unfocused state of mind: Sorry, I was so sleep-deprived that slipped into a fugue state there for a while. What were you asking me again?)
8.11.2022 1:21:44 slang go MIA пропа́сть (Sorry I went MIA – we've had no internet, phone, or TV for the past two days.)
8.11.2022 1:17:46 med. indeterminate result сомнительный результат (similar to equivocal / when a test result does not show strongly in either the positive or negative direction; retesting is usually required)
8.11.2022 1:15:02 construct. toe level отметка подошвы (Groynes in coastal engineering (CIRIA C793), published by CIRIA in 2020, defines toe level as: "The level of the lowest part of a structure, generally forming the transition to the underlying ground.")
8.11.2022 1:13:02 UK rub-down search личный досмотр (a quick search of a prisoner without removing his clothes lawinsider.com)
8.11.2022 1:11:18 law reduce to a lesser charge переквалифицировать обвинение на менее тяжкое (In some cases, we can get the charges dismissed. If that's not possible, we'll look to convince the prosecutor to reduce to a lesser charge.)
8.11.2022 1:04:03 fin. year end окончание налогового периода (под налоговым периодом понимается календарный год или иной период времени применительно к отдельным налогам, по окончании которого определяется налоговая база и исчисляется сумма налога, подлежащая уплате: Enter month of your year end.)
8.11.2022 1:03:12 idiom. blow with the wind плыть по течению (act according to prevailing circumstances rather than a consistent plan thefreedictionary.com)
8.11.2022 0:53:50 gen. get choppy барахлить (For some odd reason my microphone gets choppy.)
8.11.2022 0:51:15 inf. knock out сварганить (produce something quickly without spending time thinking about the details cambridge.org)
8.11.2022 0:49:38 gen. carve out a middle ground between найти компромисс между (Like Xiaomi, Mediatek is trying to carve out a middle ground between quality and price.)
8.11.2022 0:42:54 gen. street justice самосуд (the punishment given by members of the public to people regarded as criminals or wrongdoers collinsdictionary.com)
8.11.2022 0:41:08 slang shit-baked напуган до усрачки (terrified: Needless to say, when our next addition to the family came, I was shit-baked. • I saw The Exorcist when it was first released and I was shit-baked, then came the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre and that scared the bejesus out of me, but nothing creeped me out like seeing the kid after he was brought back to life in Pet Sematary.)
8.11.2022 0:36:25 cosmet. spot test тест на чувствительность кожи перед окрашиванием
8.11.2022 0:34:39 gen. spring it on somebody выдать (tell, present, or disclose something unexpected to one: ...and then she springs it on me she's leaving.)
8.11.2022 0:33:37 gen. rock-solid relationship крепкие отношения (Due to their rock-solid relationship, there isn't any drama to report about.)
8.11.2022 0:26:36 inf. grab somebody up повязать (Law & Order, S22EP05: A: The Nichols' nanny skipped town? B: Sure looks that way. The woman was terrified and thought ICE was gonna grab her up.)
8.11.2022 0:23:19 gen. strap up вооружаться (become armed with a firearm thefreedictionary.com)
7.11.2022 22:25:26 gen. carry permit разрешение на ношение оружия (Law & Order, S22EP06: I carry a gun, but it's registered. I have a carry permit, too, so it's all totally legit.)
7.11.2022 22:23:52 gen. without respite без продыху
7.11.2022 22:23:44 gen. without respite без передышки
7.11.2022 21:28:53 gen. I say предлагаю (A: This place is incredible. B: I say we just move here.)
7.11.2022 21:10:08 gen. let me do the math дай-ка подумать
7.11.2022 21:07:21 gen. this is so like you в этом весь ты
4.11.2022 17:28:57 gen. you'll walk it off до свадьбы заживёт
1.11.2022 8:48:12 gen. pig knuckle свиная рулька
31.10.2022 23:22:42 slang cuzzi джакузи
30.10.2022 23:14:43 India one person company компания одного лица (One person company (OPC) means a company formed with only one (single) person as a member.)
30.10.2022 19:18:21 law motion to exclude ходатайство об исключении доказательства
30.10.2022 19:07:56 law motion to suppress ходатайство об исключении доказательства (A Motion to Exclude or Suppress Evidence (often simplified as "Motion to Suppress") is a pre-trial motion requesting that the courts exclude one or more pieces of evidence from the upcoming trial.)
30.10.2022 18:58:42 gen. cattail fluff рогозовый пух
30.10.2022 18:58:08 gen. cattail fluff пух рогоза
30.10.2022 18:27:35 gen. back one's alibi подтвердить чьё-либо алиби
29.10.2022 23:34:09 med. radiologist врач лучевой диагностики
29.10.2022 23:32:45 med. lab technician врач лабораторной диагностики
28.10.2022 12:52:39 amer. bless one's heart прости Господи (an insult commonly used in the south to excuse oneself for speaking ill of someone else / выражение, сопровождающее резкое оценивающее высказывание: She's as ugly as a mud fence, bless her heart.)
26.10.2022 22:36:54 ed. schedule of classes расписание занятий
24.10.2022 19:14:33 USA the People rest their case у обвинения больше нет вопросов (The prosecution ends it's case-in-chief with the words, "Your Honor, the People rest.")
23.10.2022 16:45:50 inf. Main Justice Министерство юстиции США
22.10.2022 22:52:17 gen. figure oneself out найти себя (He hasn't figured himself out yet.)
22.10.2022 22:29:26 slang not give a rat's ass плевать (not care at all about something or someone: Do whatever you want, I don't give a rat's ass.)
22.10.2022 22:26:27 law call to the stand вызвать на свидетельскую трибуну
22.10.2022 20:36:06 gen. spent shell casing стреляная гильза
21.10.2022 8:56:43 gen. unmoored from reality оторванный от реальности
20.10.2022 23:02:15 gen. branch out of one's comfort zone выйти из зоны комфорта

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