
 English thesaurus - terms added by user Natalia D: 43

21.05.2024 11:13:11 gen. closed adoption when the family that adopts the child, or adoptive family, has no contact with the biological or birth parents of the child.
25.11.2023 16:41:17 abbr. idiom. CPT Colored people's time is an American expression referring to African Americans as frequently being late.
25.11.2023 16:40:34 idiom. CP time Colored people's time is an American expression referring to African Americans as frequently being late. (wikipedia.org)
25.11.2023 16:39:29 idiom. Colored people's time also abbreviated to CP time or CPT is an American expression referring to African Americans as frequently being late. (wikipedia.org)
10.09.2021 8:09:13 inf. motion of the ocean Часть фразы it ain't all about the size of the boat, it's about the motion in the ocean. Означает "важен не размер пениса, а техника"
26.08.2021 23:39:10 abbr. inf. AITA Am I the asshole
25.04.2021 12:05:07 gen. sapio то же, что Sapiosexual
3.02.2021 12:25:51 abbr. taboo FFS For fucks sake
14.12.2020 8:22:33 abbr. OMW Oh My Word! эмоциональное восклицание
17.11.2020 17:17:13 abbr. FFS for fuck's sake!
16.11.2020 14:06:22 idiom. life-transforming см life-changing
22.10.2020 10:53:41 geogr. Hat City Danbury Connecticut
18.09.2020 11:17:52 box. cross In boxing, a cross is a punch usually thrown with the dominant hand the instant an opponent leads with his opposite hand. The blow crosses over the leading arm, hence its name.
20.08.2020 11:48:21 inf. too-da-loo bye for now (From the French tout a l'heure. Meaning see you later. urbandictionary.com)
30.07.2020 11:40:38 idiom. Let one down easy To deliver bad news to one in the kindest or least upsetting way possible.
14.07.2020 9:57:48 idiom. red shirt A "redshirt" is a stock character in fiction who dies soon after being introduced. The term originates from the original Star Trek NBC, 1966–69 television series in which the red-shirted security personnel frequently die during episodes.
22.06.2020 17:57:45 idiom. salami-slice strategy salami-slice strategy (salami-slice strategy or salami attacks, is a divide and conquer process of threats and alliances used to overcome opposition. With it, an aggressor can influence and eventually dominate a landscape, typically political, piece by piece.)
22.06.2020 17:56:15 idiom. the salami method Salami tactics, also known as the salami-slice strategy or salami attacks, is a divide and conquer process of threats and alliances used to overcome opposition. With it, an aggressor can influence and eventually dominate a landscape, typically political, piece by piece.
27.05.2020 11:44:53 golf. double bogey a score of two-over par on an individual hole of the golf course. (I gotta try my best. But I sense a double bogey on the horizon.)
27.02.2020 21:02:55 gen. repudiative rejecting emphatically (a veto is a repudiative act)
27.02.2020 21:02:55 gen. repudiative e.g. refusing to pay or disowning (a veto is a repudiative act)
30.07.2019 23:19:31 wine.gr. corked wine Corked wine is a term for a wine that has become contaminated with cork taint.
30.07.2019 23:15:20 gen. SCRAM bracelet Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor (браслет, который надевается на щиколотку по решению суда и сообщает, если человек принял алкоголь)
18.07.2019 13:01:46 polit. Mukhabarat the Arabic term for intelligence as in intelligence agency
18.07.2019 13:01:46 abbr. polit. the Arabic term for intelligence as in intelligence agency Mukhabarat
2.08.2017 9:14:41 abbr. CSRU Crime Scene Response Unit
2.08.2017 9:14:41 abbr. Crime Scene Response Unit CSRU
19.02.2017 14:11:49 abbr. bfw bond forfeiture warrant
11.02.2017 7:36:06 abbr. EPPA Employee Polygraph Protection Act (запрет на использование детектора лжи при приёме на работу или для проверки нанимателем работника, за рядом специально оговорённых исключений)
11.02.2017 7:36:06 USA Employee Polygraph Protection Act запрет на использование детектора лжи при приёме на работу (или для проверки нанимателем работника, за рядом специально оговорённых исключений)
31.01.2017 10:44:04 polit. body woman a female personal assistant to a political candidate or politician
31.01.2017 10:44:04 abbr. polit. a female personal assistant to a political candidate or politician body woman
7.11.2015 6:03:06 abbr. polit. Immigration and Naturalization Service INS
7.11.2015 5:59:53 abbr. polit. INS Immigration and Naturalization Service, Служба иммиграции и натурализации США
30.07.2014 7:52:31 abbr. avia. Altitude, measured in thousands of feet "angels fifteen" means 15,000 feet above sea level angel
30.07.2014 7:50:49 abbr. avia. Altitude under 1,000 feet, measured in hundreds of feet "cherubs two" means 200 feet cherub
30.07.2014 6:52:31 avia. angel Altitude, measured in thousands of feet ("angels fifteen" means 15,000 feet above sea level)
30.07.2014 6:50:49 avia. cherub Altitude under 1,000 feet, measured in hundreds of feet ("cherubs two" means 200 feet)
15.07.2014 0:17:42 abbr. wine.gr. Corked wine is a term for a wine that has become contaminated with cork taint. corked wine
23.06.2010 8:32:10 abbr. The Oxford Student OxStu (he Oxford Student is a newspaper produced by and for members of the University of Oxford; it is sometimes abbreviated to The OxStu. The paper was established in 1992 by the Oxford University Student Union (OUSU) as an alternative to Cherwell.)
23.06.2010 7:32:10 abbr. OxStu The Oxford Student (he Oxford Student is a newspaper produced by and for members of the University of Oxford; it is sometimes abbreviated to The OxStu. The paper was established in 1992 by the Oxford University Student Union (OUSU) as an alternative to Cherwell.)
1.10.2009 7:11:00 abbr. BLT bacon, lettuce, tomato (sandwich)