
 English-Ukrainian dictionary - terms added by user 'More: 28

12.01.2024 18:12:15 mamm. reed cat очеретяний кіт (The jungle cat (Felis chaus), also called reed cat, swamp cat and jungle lynx, is a medium-sized cat native to the Middle East, the Caucasus, South and Southeast Asia and southern China. It inhabits foremost wetlands like swamps, littoral and riparian areas with dense vegetation. It is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List, and is mainly threatened by destruction of wetlands, trapping and poisoning. wikipedia.org)
12.01.2024 18:12:15 mamm. swamp cat очеретяний кіт (The jungle cat (Felis chaus), also called reed cat, swamp cat and jungle lynx, is a medium-sized cat native to the Middle East, the Caucasus, South and Southeast Asia and southern China. It inhabits foremost wetlands like swamps, littoral and riparian areas with dense vegetation. It is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List, and is mainly threatened by destruction of wetlands, trapping and poisoning. wikipedia.org)
12.01.2024 18:12:15 mamm. jungle lynx очеретяний кіт (The jungle cat (Felis chaus), also called reed cat, swamp cat and jungle lynx, is a medium-sized cat native to the Middle East, the Caucasus, South and Southeast Asia and southern China. It inhabits foremost wetlands like swamps, littoral and riparian areas with dense vegetation. It is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List, and is mainly threatened by destruction of wetlands, trapping and poisoning. wikipedia.org)
12.01.2024 18:12:15 mamm. swamp cat очеретяний кіт (The jungle cat (Felis chaus), also called reed cat, swamp cat and jungle lynx, is a medium-sized cat native to the Middle East, the Caucasus, South and Southeast Asia and southern China. It inhabits foremost wetlands like swamps, littoral and riparian areas with dense vegetation. It is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List, and is mainly threatened by destruction of wetlands, trapping and poisoning. wikipedia.org)
12.01.2024 18:12:15 mamm. jungle lynx очеретяний кіт (The jungle cat (Felis chaus), also called reed cat, swamp cat and jungle lynx, is a medium-sized cat native to the Middle East, the Caucasus, South and Southeast Asia and southern China. It inhabits foremost wetlands like swamps, littoral and riparian areas with dense vegetation. It is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List, and is mainly threatened by destruction of wetlands, trapping and poisoning. wikipedia.org)
18.11.2023 11:10:56 ornit. Sandwich tern крячок рябодзьобий (Thalasseus sandvicensis wikipedia.org)
3.07.2023 10:09:54 crim.law. influence peddling торгівля впливом (wikipedia.org)
23.06.2022 16:07:17 energ.syst. POLR ПОН (abbr. of Постачальник останньої надії – "The Provider of Last Resort (POLR) becomes your provider when your Retail Electric Provider (REP) exits the market for any reason. If your REP were to go out of business, the POLR becomes your temporary REP so that you do not experience an interruption in service.")
16.02.2022 13:14:23 tech. pipeline valves трубопровідна арматура (ГОСТ 24856012014)
6.11.2019 16:24:19 med. Naval Medical Research Center Науково-дослідницький центр військово-морської медицини (appended by gerasymchuck)
6.11.2019 16:21:25 nautic. International Ship and Port Facility Security Code Кодекс ОСПЗ
6.11.2019 16:21:25 nautic. International Ship and Port Facility Security Code Міжнародний кодекс з охорони суден та портових засобів
6.11.2019 16:18:45 nautic. ISPS Кодекс ОСПЗ (ISPS - International Ship and Port Facility Security - Міжнародний кодекс з охорони суден та портових засобів (Кодекс ОСПЗ))
6.11.2019 16:18:45 nautic. International Ship and Port Facility Security Кодекс ОСПЗ (ISPS - International Ship and Port Facility Security - Міжнародний кодекс з охорони суден та портових засобів (Кодекс ОСПЗ))
6.11.2019 15:56:34 nautic. LP/DP Порт завантаження / Порт відвантаження (LP/DP (Loading Port/Discharging Port))
6.11.2019 15:56:34 nautic. Loading Port/Discharging Port Порт завантаження / Порт відвантаження (LP/DP (Loading Port/Discharging Port))
6.11.2019 15:51:27 law state foreign trade company ДПЗД (ДПЗД (державне підприємство зовнішньоекономічної діяльності) appended by gerasymchuk)
6.11.2019 15:51:27 law state foreign trade company державне підприємство зовнішньоекономічної діяльності (ДПЗД (державне підприємство зовнішньоекономічної діяльності) appended by gerasymchuk)
6.11.2019 15:49:17 law State Food Products Safety and Consumer Protection Service Держпродспоживслужба (appended by gerasymchuk)
6.11.2019 15:42:22 med.appl. instrument data backup резервне копіювання даних інструменту
6.11.2019 15:36:39 law U.S. Army Institute for Surgical Research Інститут хірургічних досліджень СВ США (appended by gerasymchuk)
23.05.2019 19:45:07 comp. advanced find view подання розширеного пошуку ((c) oxana135)
23.05.2019 19:41:41 busin. irrevocable letter of credit безвідкличний акредитив ((c) oxana135)
23.05.2019 19:36:19 math. quantized motion квантовий рух кварків ((с)Herr Laubfall - transferred from English-Russian dictionary)
23.05.2019 19:30:21 med. Food and Drug Administration Управління з контролю за харчовими продуктами та лікарськими засобами США ((с) oxana135transferred from English-Russian dictionary)