
Danish-English dictionary  
Subject Number of entries
Accounting 1.558
Agriculture 40.558
Animal husbandry 626
Art 239
Astronautics 292
Aviation 4
Bakery 287
Banking 293
Beverages 275
Book binding 77
Botany 1.617
Business 572
Chemistry 22.271
Coal 2.359
Commerce 2.112
Communications 29.386
Computers 39
Construction 8.083
Corporate governance 45
Criminal law 1.042
Cultural studies 1.866
Customs 337
Data processing 172
Demography 714
Earth sciences 18.143
Ecology 204
Economy 18.566
Education 3.574
Electronics 31.301
Employment 265
Energy industry 3.058
Environment 21.752
European Union 33
Finances 28.193
Fish farming pisciculture 5.520
Food industry 3.874
Forestry 845
General 46.119
Geography 1.105
Geophysics 22
Government, administration and public services 974
Ground forces Army 5
Health care 13.989
Hobbies and pastimes 1.996
Human rights activism 973
Immigration and citizenship 1.866
Industry 23.254
Informal 1
Information technology 26.786
Insurance 3.133
International law 167
International trade 999
Investment 78
Labor law 3.720
Labor organization 86
Latin American 13
Law 19.497
Leather 122
Life sciences 15.327
Mammals 58
Marketing 4.390
Materials science 5.219
Mathematics 3.236
Mechanic engineering 18.992
Medical 74.439
Metallurgy 12.369
Microsoft 12.436
Milk production 100
Mineral products 290
Mining 53
Municipal planning 1.996
Music 1.480
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation 4.585
Natural sciences 14.189
Nautical 5
Nuclear and fusion power 277
Nuclear physics 866
Obsolete / dated 1.443
Oil / petroleum 186
Ornithology 54
Patents 6.231
Pharmacy and pharmacology 2.052
Physical sciences 1.528
Politics 4.184
Polygraphy 207
Private international law 48
Procedural law 890
Psychology 8
Public relations 16
Religion 420
Research and development 547
School 19
Scientific 889
Security systems 143
Social science 5.076
Sociology 155
Statistics 8.509
Sugar production 78
Taxes 1.498
Technology 8.733
Textile industry 865
Trade unions 380
Transport 39.189
United Nations 800
Waste management 64
Wood processing 146
Work flow 2.031
Total: 651.753