
Japanese-English dictionary  
Subject Number of entries
General 583.408
Geography 212.396
Given name 177.475
Surname 141.307
Historical figure 48.159
Technology 38.307
Physics 19.655
Microsoft 17.659
Computers 17.133
Construction 16.650
Names and surnames 9.213
Obsolete / dated 6.532
Abbreviation 5.248
Name of organization 4.009
Law 3.689
Electronics 3.009
International Monetary Fund 2.528
Informal 2.268
Radio 1.795
Buddhism 1.658
Slang 1.415
Food industry 1.223
Mathematics 1.199
Antennas and waveguides 1.033
Historical 995
Linguistics 866
Medical 861
Sumo 825
Lighting other than cinema 801
Electric traction 780
Power lines 719
Telecommunications 675
Pejorative 662
Telegraphy 634
Electric motors 622
Proper name 620
Thermal Energy 599
Baseball 597
Magnetics 596
Radiology 581
Electricity generation 567
Astronomy 535
Vacuum tubes 529
Sound recording 517
Titles of works of art 502
Isolation 500
Automatic control 479
Rail transport 464
Nuclear physics 449
Music 437
Superconductivity 423
Power system protection 417
Electric machinery 416
Reliability 389
Proverb 388
Semiconductors 320
Cables and cable production 299
Electrical engineering 297
Power electronics 285
Piezoelectric crystals 283
Telephony 274
Biology 273
Anatomy 248
Chemistry 237
Sports 229
Radiobiology 229
Childish 220
Accumulators 188
Transformers 185
Computer networks 183
Video recording 152
Avuncular 146
Humorous / Jocular 143
Welding 142
Satellite communications 139
Shinto 128
Architecture 125
Metrology 112
Patents 102
Finances 94
Botany 86
Wind Energy 85
Electrochemistry 82
Geology 76
Economy 76
Military 72
Manga 72
Landscaping 64
Geometry 58
Risk Management 56
Ecology 41
Business 34
Printed circuit boards 34
Ultrasound 24
Confectionery 21
Zoology 19
Poetic 18
Japanese language 17
Book binding 5
Optics branch of physics 3
Invective 3
Computer games 3
Surveying 2
Clothing 2
Life sciences 2
Uncommon / rare 1
Statistics 1
Mining 1
Road works 1
Surgery 1
Euphemistic 1
British usage, not spelling 1
Health care 1
Iran 1
Total: 1.341.415