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Terms for subject Physics (307 entries)
Celsius temperature celsiustemperatur
Celsius temperature scale celsiustemperaturskala
centigrade degree grad Celsius
centre of gravity masscentrum
centre of mass masscentrum
centre of mass tyngdpunkt (ej rekommenderad)
charge number laddningstal
charge number jonisationstal
charged laddad
chemical element kemiskt element
clock time dagens standardtid
coefficient of cubic expansion volymutvidgningskoefficient
coefficient of heat transfer värmeöverföringskoefficient
coefficient of linear expansion längdutvidgningskoefficient
coefficient of thermal insulance värmeövergångsisolans
coefficient of thermal insulance värmeisolans
cold emission kall emission
Coulomb modulus Coulombs modul
Coulomb modulus styvhetsmodul
couple of forces kraftpar