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Terms for subject Humorous / Jocular (143 entries)
hakama 窮屈袋
having never told a lie 嘘と坊主の頭はゆったことがない (play on 言う and 結う)
homosexual friend ホモ達
I am terribly grateful 感謝感激雨あられ
I am terribly grateful 感謝感激雨霰 (orig. a play on 乱射乱撃雨霰)
I couldn't care less 割とどうでも良い
I couldn't care less 割とどうでもよい
I get the feeling that 希ガス
I get the feeling that 稀ガス
I get the feeling that 貴ガス {oK}
I see なるへそ
I think that 希ガス
I think that 稀ガス
I think that 貴ガス {oK}
I wish the same for myself 梵天丸もかくありたい
I'm sorry アイムソーリーヒゲソーリー
I'm sorry アイム・ソーリー・ヒゲソーリー
I'm sorry アイムソーリー・ヒゲソーリー (pun on 髭剃り)
incomprehensible idea 迷説 (pun on 名説)
Indeed なるへそ