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Terms for subject Proverb (388 entries)
being prepared to sacrifice (one's) life to avenge (one's) father or lord 君父の讐は倶に天を戴かず (from the Book of Rites)
better one day in this world than a thousand in the next あの世千日この世一日
better one day in this world than a thousand in the next 彼の世千日此の世一日
better too big than too small 大は小を兼ねる
bows in bags and swords in sheaths 弓は袋に太刀は鞘
Boys, be ambitious 少年よ大志を抱け (quote by William Smith Clark)
capable or not, we are all in the same boat 蝙蝠も鳥のうち
capable or not, we are all in the same boat 蝙蝠も鳥の内
Caution is the best policy 用心するに如くはない
compassion is not for other people's benefit 情けは人の為ならず
compassion is not for other people's benefit 情けは人のためならず
condemn the offense, but not the offender その罪を憎んでその人を憎まず
condemn the offense, but not the offender 其の罪を憎んで其の人を憎まず
consider your income before spending 入るを量りて出ずるを為す
counting raccoon dog skins before they have been caught 捕らぬ狸の皮算用
counting raccoon dog skins before they have been caught 獲らぬ狸の皮算用
counting raccoon dog skins before they have been caught 取らぬ狸の皮算用
counting the age of (one's) dead child 死んだ子の年を数える
craft brings nothing home 策士策に溺れる
crying over spilt milk 死んだ子の年を数える