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Terms for subject Customs (337 entries)
Community transit procedure for EU-forsendelse
Community transit procedure for fællesskabsforsendelse
Community transit procedure procedure for fællesskabsforsendelse
Community transit procedure procedure for EU-forsendelse
compensatory interest udligningsrenter
computed value beregnet værdi
counterfoil (TIR carnet) talon (TIR-carnet)
country of consignment afsendelsesland
country of destination bestemmelsesland
country of destination destinationsland
customs agent toldspeditør
customs agent en der klarerer toldgods
customs agent grænsespeditør
customs agent klarerer
customs agent mægler
customs area toldområde
customs arrangements toldprocedure
customs authority toldmyndighed
customs broker toldspeditør
customs broker en der klarerer toldgods