

link 13.04.2017 13:13 
Subject: глупый вопрос gen.
Such events ARE crucial international platform for the discussion of partnership development among the leading world countries.

such events are или is?

Мероприятия же-множественное число, но вот платформа как-то не клеится. Глупый вопрос, но он возник в моей голове. Что скажете?


link 13.04.2017 13:14 
У вас фраза на английском странная. Что вы хотите сказать?


link 13.04.2017 13:17 
Напишите such events as ... are...


link 13.04.2017 13:21 
Или: such events provide a platform for...

 Lonely Knight

link 13.04.2017 13:22 
сказуемое согласуется с подлежащим


link 13.04.2017 13:23 
грамматически - are, Иван. но лексико-семантически it makes no sense.

если просто так?
Such events CAN BE SEEN as A crucial/ ..ly important international platform ...


link 13.04.2017 13:23 
См., например:
Cass CCE’s courses and knowledge exchange events provide a platform for people to come together to learn and, crucially, to share experiences and best practice.

 Lonely Knight

link 13.04.2017 13:23 
"Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet."


link 13.04.2017 13:27 
events are - это бесспорно. Кстати, еще для вас пример нашел - мне кажется, близко по построению к вашей фразе:
The Educational Enhancement events are a platform for discussion, debate and dissemination of all aspects of academic practice. We run occasional events such as workshops, talks and discussions throughout the academic year.


link 13.04.2017 13:28 
(IVAN89UA, у вас во фразе пропущен артикль, это сбивает с толку).


link 13.04.2017 13:35 
trtrtr Спасибо за отличный пример. Артикль А.


link 13.04.2017 13:35 
спасибо всем за предложения и помощь!


link 17.04.2017 13:41 
The verb-to-noun agreement generally involves a problem of using is or are as a principle verb, but it is easily remedied by (1) subordinating is or are to another verb, (2) substituting by a stronger verb, or (3) changing the number (singular or plural) of one of the elements.

Deltaic strata are the chief petroleum reservoir.
The red beds of the Catskill formation are a counterpart of the Old Red Sandstone.
The Wasatch Mountains are a narrow up-faulted range.

Deltaic strata compose the chief petroleum reservoir.
The red beds of the Catskill formation are counterparts of the Old Red Sandstone.
The Wasatch Mountains form a narrow up-faulted range.

Branches of knowledge like geophysics, mathematics, ethics, politics, tectonics, etc. are singular.
Statistics meaning simply “figures” is plural; so too is economics in the sense of “commercial viability”, as in the economics of the new process were studied in depth.
A few words, though singular in nature, are made of paired items and generally treated as plural: scissors, trousers, glasses, pliers, tongs, and the like. Many are often used with the word pair as in pair of trousers or pair of scissors.
Titles of books and other works of art are always considered singular even if the title sounds plural: The Alfred Hitchcock film The Birds was successfully advertised with a campaign that said, "The Birds is coming!"


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