

link 22.02.2017 11:53 
Subject: информирует...об этом лицо law
В случае отказа в принятии банковской гарантии заказчик в срок, не превышающий трех рабочих дней со дня ее поступления, информирует в письменной форме или в форме электронного документа об этом лицо, предоставившее банковскую гарантию, с указанием причин, послуживших основанием для отказа.

Моя попытка (в которой явно что-то не так, надо читать исходники, но долго):

In the event of the Customer’s refusal to accept the bank guarantee, the Customer shall inform a [the?] person who provided such bank guarantee TO THAT EFFECT in writing or by e-mail within three business days of its receipt and shall indicate the reasons for such refusal.

Думал над вариантами:

1) If the Customer refuses to accept..
2) Should the Customer refuse to accept...
3) If the Customer rejects...etc.



link 22.02.2017 17:22 
notify ... the person responsible for


link 22.02.2017 17:25 
Я бы не сказала "inform to that effect"
written notice/notice in writing to that effect - да.

advise/notify of the same - если хочется убрать повторы

If the Customer refuses to accept the bank guarantee, the Customer shall, within three business days of (its) receipt, notify the issuer of the guarantee/guaranty provider of the same in writing giving/stating the reasons for such refusal.

Как-то так.


link 22.02.2017 17:28 
shall notify ... the person responsible for

или (если у вас вдруг в наст. времени всё почему-то), то:
notifies ... the person responsible for


link 22.02.2017 20:11 
Irisha, спасибо.


link 22.02.2017 20:16 
а крокодилу значит не спасибо? а ведь он тоже работал активно, руку вверх тянул, отвечал и старался...


link 23.02.2017 8:17 
Да, и ему спасибо, но я бы не стал писать responsible for...


link 23.02.2017 9:07 
give a notice thereof in writing or by email, having stated therein the reasons for...


link 23.02.2017 23:09 
shall notify ... accordingly


link 24.02.2017 6:00 
* 'В случае отказа в принятии' - 'Should the Customer refuse to accept' or 'In the event of the Customer refusing to accept'
* 'inform the person'

You don't actually need 'to that effect' in at all, as 'Should x happen the Customer shall inform y' makes it very clear.

I would split the sentence at this point, otherwise it will become unclear whether the various elements in the second half of the sentence refer to 'the Customer's refusal' or to 'such bank guarantee'. So I would put:

* '...... shall inform the person who provided such bank guarantee. The Customer shall do this in writing or by e-mail within three business days of receipt of the bank guarantee and shall indicate the reasons for such refusal.'


link 24.02.2017 18:15 
Не надо ничего разбивать на предложения в юридических тестах. Иначе возникнут проблемы при ссылке на "второе предложение подпункта b) пункта 37.

И, по моим наблюдениям, конструкция "should (the customer)..." используется в значении "если заказчик ВСЕ-ТАКИ откажется..." - т.е. уже следующая ступень "если", другая, что ли, вероятность наступления события... если я понятно изъясняюсь. :-)


link 24.02.2017 22:01 
Alex: Ah, cross-referencing.... OK, I take your point re not having two sentences in the English where there's just one in the Russian. That's a pain.

'все-таки' isn't implied in the 'Should....' type of construction at all. 'Should the Customer refuse....' just means the same as 'If the Customer refuses....' or 'In the event of the Customer refusing....' That equates to 'В случае отказа....', doesn't it? Or is my Russian letting me down?

(I've included 'the Customer' as you seem quite clear from your own translation that 'the Customer' is understood here).

'если заказчик ВСЕ-ТАКИ откажется....' would be 'should the Customer NEVERTHELESS refuse....', wouldn't it?


link 24.02.2017 22:22 
'...... shall inform the person who provided (the/such) bank guarantee and shall do so in writing or by e-mail within three business days of receipt of the bank guarantee, indicating the reasons for (the/such) refusal.'

No split sentence and no ambiguity.

You've probably finished the translation and sent it off by now, though!


link 24.02.2017 22:25 
a translation can never be finished or completed, it can only be stopped


link 24.02.2017 22:33 
'stopped' as in 'interrupted', 'stopped' as in 'paused', or 'stopped' as in 'given up on'.....?


link 24.02.2017 22:44 
as in either of those ;)


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