

link 16.02.2017 9:58 
Subject: forced arbitration gen.
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести термин "forced arbitration".

Большое спасибо!


link 16.02.2017 10:07 
Здесь принято давать контекст и свой вариант.


link 16.02.2017 11:04 
форсированная арбитрация


link 16.02.2017 11:16 


link 16.02.2017 13:00 
Мария, это шутка была. Вы контекст давайте, а то в ответ только шутки получите.


link 16.02.2017 13:47 
Возможно, речь об этом:
What is voluntary arbitration?

In voluntary arbitration, both sides in the dispute voluntarily agree to submit their disagreement to arbitration after it arises, and they have an opportunity to investigate their best options for resolving their claim.

What is forced arbitration?

In forced arbitration, a company requires a consumer or employee to submit any dispute that may arise to binding arbitration as a condition of employment or buying a product or service. The employee or consumer is required to waive their right to sue, to participate in a class action lawsuit, or to appeal. Forced arbitration is mandatory, the arbitrator’s decision is binding, and the results are not public.


link 16.02.2017 13:50 
... forced or mandatory arbitration takes away the right of wronged consumers to band together and form a convenient class action lawsuit.

By forcing each individual to go through an arbitration hearing, pressure is taken off of the business and is placed onto the consumer.


link 16.02.2017 13:56 
("принудительный арбитраж" (?))


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