
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing another | all forms | exact matches only
add another layerприбавлять ((загадочности, сложности и т.п.) to sth.: The terrain is treacherous, the weather unpredictable, and the wildlife formidable. Others point to the presence of large bodies of water, where swift rivers and glacial crevasses can prove fatal. Then there are the legends of creatures and spirits from indigenous folklore, which add another layer to the mystery. (thevintagenews.com) ART Vancouver)
against one anotherлоб в лоб (Andrey Truhachev)
an apple off another treeсовсем другое дело (Bobrovska)
another arrow in one's quiverплюс (Having good communication skills can be another arrow in your quiver when you go for a job interview VLZ_58)
another arrow in one's quiverкозырь (VLZ_58)
another county heard fromэтого только не хватало (starichokgordon)
another county heard fromтолько вас не хватало (starichokgordon)
another county heard fromвас забыли спросить (An unexpected person has spoken up or arrived on the scene, as in 'Jane's cousin from California decided to contest the will–another county heard from'. answers.com starichokgordon)
another day at the officeобычный рабочий день (There are few mysteries as enduring as the Bermuda Triangle – an expanse of ocean in the North Atlantic that spans the area between Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. Over the years the region has become synonymous with the unexplained disappearances of ships and airplanes – often with no trace of them or their crews ever being found. For Michael C. Barnette, however, spending time in the Bermuda Triangle is just another day at the office. Star of the returning History Channel series The Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Waters, Barnette has spent many years locating and exploring the various shipwrecks found in the region. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
another kettle of fishдругое дело (4uzhoj)
another meдруг есть моё второе "я" (Olga Fomicheva)
another nail in one's coffinодин из основных факторов (Interex)
another pair of shoesдругое дело
another shoe to dropэто далеко не всё (fa158)
another shoe to dropэто были ещё цветочки (т.е. ягодки впереди fa158)
ask me anotherспроси что полегче (Ananaska)
by one means or anotherне мытьём, так катаньем (Andrey Truhachev)
dig the pit for anotherрыть яму другому ("Violence does, in truth, recoil upon the violent, and the schemer falls into the pit which he digs for another." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ART Vancouver)
have another bite at the cherryполучить второй шанс (Азери)
have another guess comingа вот и не угадал! (giovane bimba)
have another than one string to bowиметь средство про запас (Yeldar Azanbayev)
have another than one string to bowиметь выбор между двумя средствами (Yeldar Azanbayev)
is another story– это другой вопрос (Alex_Odeychuk)
it's one thing... and/but it's totally/quite anotherодно дело ... и совсем другое дело ... (It's one thing when she walks in and I'm playing video games. It's another when she walks in and I'm playing a 12 year old game. Баян)
measure another man's foot by one's own lastсудить по себе (to judge others by one's own standards or experiences redkiwiapp.com)
one bad turn deserves anotherза мной не заржавеет (VLZ_58)
one good turn deserves anotherза мной не заржавеет (VLZ_58)
play off against one anotherсталкивать лбами (Asfodel)
sing another songпритихнуть (igisheva)
sing another songпеременить тон (igisheva)
sing another songзапеть по-другому (igisheva)
sing another songзапеть другую песню (igisheva)
sing another songзапеть на другой лад (igisheva)
sing another tuneсбавить тон (igisheva)
sing another tuneзапеть другую песню (igisheva)
sing another tuneпритихнуть (igisheva)
sing another tuneзапеть по-другому (igisheva)
sing another tuneпеременить тон (igisheva)
sing another tuneзапеть на другой лад (igisheva)
sing another tuneприсмиреть (igisheva)
sing another tuneзаговорить по-иному (igisheva)
take things to another levelвыйти на более высокий уровень (This particular concept was conceived after the pair drew a sizeable checkerboard in the snow and then decided to take things to another level with an even more fantastic design. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
tear one another apart like mad dogsрвать друг друга на куски, как шакалы рвут шакалов (букв. – "рвать друг друга на куски как бешенные собаки" Alex_Odeychuk)
tear one another apart like mad dogsрвать друг друга на куски как шакалы на трупной свалке (Alex_Odeychuk)
that is another bookне в ту степь (Himera)
that is another bookиз другой оперы (Himera)
that is another bookречь не об этом (Himera)
that's another pair of shoesэто совсем другое дело
this way or anotherкак ни вертись (VLZ_58)
wear another hatвыступать в другом лице (smirnova_mv)
wear another hatвести двойную игру (smirnova_mv)
weigh another offerрассматривать альтернативное предложение (обычно о работе jouris-t)
what one man can do another can doне святые горшки обжигают (Alex_Odeychuk)
what with one thing and anotherзанимаясь то одним, то другим (‘Who?' ‘Mr Filmer, the Cabinet Minister. He is staying in the house. Surely even you must have heard of Mr Filmer?' ‘Oh, rather,' I said, though as a matter of fact the bird was completely unknown to me. What with one thing and another, I'm not frightfully up in the personnel of the political world. (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)