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I am delighted to hear itя рад это слышать (ART Vancouver)
I appreciate thatпремного благодарен (April May)
I hate to interruptпрошу прощения (I hate to interrupt, but there's an urgent phone call for you. – Прошу прощения, но вас к телефону. • Look, I hate to iterrupt you, but it's urgent. 4uzhoj)
I'm sorry to hear thatсочувствую (тебе/вам: "George died (pause) yesterday afternoon." – "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." english-corpora.org Shabe)
I stand correctedпрошу прощения (по поводу ошибки, в знач. "виноват", "вы правы, я ошибся": I stand corrected – the date of foundation was 1411, and not 1412 as I had written. 4uzhoj)