
Terms for subject Telephony containing the | all forms | exact matches only
advise the operator of the termination of a callуведомлять оператора об окончании разговора
answer on the circuitвключаться в линию
answer the phoneпринять звонок (Andrey Truhachev)
answer the phoneснять трубку телефона (Andrey Truhachev)
answer the phoneотвечать на телефонный звонок (Andrey Truhachev)
answer the phoneответить на телефонный звонок (Andrey Truhachev)
answer the phoneответить на звонок (Andrey Truhachev)
answer the phoneснимать трубку телефона (Andrey Truhachev)
answer the phoneснимать трубку (Andrey Truhachev)
answer the phoneпринимать телефонный вызов (Andrey Truhachev)
answer the phoneпринять телефонный вызов (Andrey Truhachev)
are you free to talk at the moment?вам удобно говорить?
clear the iconсброс иконки (Vanda Voytkevych)
fax an invoice at the numberотправить счёт по факсу по номеру (Please fax an invoice at the number below. ART Vancouver)
get someone on the phone withсоединить с (Once I've gotten a feel for your business, I'll get you on the phone with my right-hand man Anthony. • If we have to, I'll get you on the phone with my service tech. 4uzhoj)
heelpiece of the relayзадник (google.com)
hold the line"подожди!" (просьба недолго подождать, когда занят чем-то другим k8)
hold the lineне вешайте трубку
hold the lineне вешать трубку
hold the line!не кладите трубку! (по телефону В.И.Макаров)
hold the line!не вешайте трубку! (по телефону В.И.Макаров)
hold the line!не вешайте трубки!
Interconnected Communication Network of the Russian FederationВзаимоувязанная сеть связи РФ (kostyazen)
lift the handsetснимите трубку (из инструкции Andrey Truhachev)
live on the chargerбыть постоянно разряженным (Himera)
live on the chargerбыстро разряжаться (Himera)
obtain the designation of the wanted called partyопрашивать абонента (при поступлении вызова)
off the hookтрубка снята (if a telephone is off the hook, the receiver has not been put into its place, and so you cannot receive any calls 4uzhoj)
off to the sideв сторону (т.е. не в трубку 4uzhoj)
on the customer side of the demarcation pointв пределах зоны ответственности абонента (Alexander Demidov)
over the ear headphonesполноразмерные наушники (WiseSnake)
over the ear headphonesтелефонная гарнитура с полноразмерными наушниками (WiseSnake)
paging the handsetпоиск трубки (Vanda Voytkevych)
person on the other endсобеседник (в телефонном разговоре: You answer, and the person on the other end says that he or she is from a charitable group soliciting donations. 4uzhoj)
pick up the phoneснимать трубку
put someone on the lineсоединить с (Secretary: Just a moment, I'll put him on the line. • I'll put him on the line. Could you hold on, please? 4uzhoj)
put someone on the lineсоединить (звонящего с абонентом: Secretary: Just a moment, I'll put him on the line. • I'll put him on the line. Could you hold on, please? 4uzhoj)
put someone on the phoneдавать трубку ("Alright, I'll put you on the phone with Mrs. Wright." He hands his phone to Tre's mom. 4uzhoj)
put someone on the phoneпозвать к телефону (кого-либо; в знач ."передать трубку" z484z)
put someone on the phoneдать трубку (кому-либо: Put Marty on the phone. • He said he had to talk to his wife, and then said 'I'll put you on the phone with her and if you can convince her I'll do it.' z484z)
put someone on the phone withсоединить с (someone else: "I'll put you on the phone with the guy in charge of the warehouse," the agent told him. • Management, to not hurt their store metric rating for credits applied to accounts, even made us use the tactic of "I'll put you on the phone with customer service to take that service off your account that you didn't authorize" to take care of upset customers instead of doing it themselves. 4uzhoj)
the other partyсобеседник (в телефонном разговоре) 4uzhoj)
you have the wrong numberвы ошиблись номером (bigmaxus)
you've got the wrong numberвы ошиблись номером (bigmaxus)
you've got the wrong numberвы не туда звоните