

link 13.01.2017 8:24 
Subject: формула коэф. проф. заболеваний gen.
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Попалась вот такая формула вычисления коэффициента проф. заболевания:
Number of calendar days stopped 12 Month rolling due to a professional disease*1000/ Number of hours paid 12 MR(including temps a& indirect)

Не понимаю, что означат Number of calendar days stopped 12 Month rolling, в частности как перевести вот это: stopped 12 Month rolling



link 13.01.2017 18:58 
судя по тому, как вот тут объясняют

я понимаю, что если работник "укладывается" в отведенное кол-во дней болезни, то как бы "непрерывность" в течение 12 месяцев не прерывается и всё ок

а если больше, то происходит "разрыв" и уже другие вычисления зарплаты, б/листов и прочего.

а вот как это на проф. языке называется я не знаю


link 13.01.2017 19:00 
Number of calendar days stopped 12 Month rolling, это, наверное, количество пропущенных календарных дней за последние 12 месяцев


link 13.01.2017 20:03 


link 13.01.2017 21:25 
It's either badly-written (7/10), or written in shorthand to save space, as in the column of a table, but with key words missing.

The meaning of 'stopped' isn't clear without further context, but 'to stop (s.o.'s) pay/wages' means not to pay them (for half a day, a day or whatever) -- for example, because they didn't turn up for work on that day. Alternatively, could it mean that their place of work came to a halt because they didn't come to work???

Something's missing after 'rolling'. A 'rolling total' is one which is carried over ('rolled over') from one period (a day, month, year or whatever) to the next rather than returning to zero at the end of each period. So if you're allowed 20 days' leave per year but only take 15 days' leave in year 1, five days' leave 'roll over' to the next year, giving you 25 days' leave in year 2. Could it mean this?

'12 Month' should read '12-month'.

The meaning of 'professional disease' also isn't clear. Could it mean a disease that the person caught at their place of work?

'temps' usually means 'temporary staff', eg staff hired for (say) a day or a few days at a time.

Could 'indirect' mean 'agency staff', ie members of staff supplied by an agency???


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