
Terms for subject Informal containing apartment | all forms | exact matches only
assign living quarters to someone in someone's apartmentподселять
assign living quarters to someone in someone's apartmentподселяться
assign living quarters to someone in someone's apartmentподселить
assign living quarters to someone in somebody's apartmentподселять (impf of подселить)
assign living quarters to someone in somebody's apartmentподселить (pf of подселять)
large apartment houseвысотка
our apartment is in renovationу нас дома ремонт
overcrowd apartmentпереуплотняться
overcrowd apartmentпереуплотниться
shoebox apartmentкрошечная квартирка (Yeah, I get tired driving 50 miles each way but my wife and three kids keep me going – we'd rather live in the countryside than in a shoebox apartment downtown. • We were living in a shoebox apartment in Riley Park at the time. ART Vancouver)
take the guest around the rooms of an apartmentзаводить гостя по комнатам квартиры
the burnt toast smelled up the whole apartmentвся квартира пропахла горелыми гренками