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Terms for subject Environment (6584 entries)
aeróbna úprava aerobic treatment
aeróbne podmienky aerobic condition (Life common to the majority of animal and plants species requiring the presence of oxygen)
aeróbny proces aerobic process (A process requiring the presence of oxygen)
aerodynamický hluk aerodynamic noise (Acoustic noise caused by turbulent airflow over the surface of a body)
aerosól aerosol (A gaseous suspension of ultramicroscopic particles of a liquid or a solid)
Afrika Africa (The second largest of the continents, on the Mediterranean in the north, the Atlantic in the west, and the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Indian Ocean in the east. The Sahara desert divides the continent unequally into North Africa and Africa south of Sahara. The largest lake is Lake Victoria and the chief rivers are the Nile, Niger, Congo, and Zambezi. The hottest continent, Africa has vast mineral resources, many of which are still undeveloped)
agenda Agenda
Agentúra pre životné prostredie environmental protection agency
Agentúra Spojených štátov na ochranu životného prostredia Environmental Protection Agency
Agentúra Spojených štátov na ochranu životného prostredia US Environmental Protection Agency
Agentúra Spojených štátov na ochranu životného prostredia United States Environmental Protection Agency
agrárne lesníctvo agroforestry (The interplanting of farm crops and trees, especially leguminous species. In semiarid regions and on denuded hillsides, agroforestry helps control erosion and restores soil fertility, as well as supplying valuable food and commodities at the same time)
agregované antropogénne emisie skleníkových plynov prepočítané na ekvivalent oxidu uhličitého aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of greenhouse gases
agregované antropogénne emisie skleníkových plynov vyjadrené ako ekvivalent oxidu uhličitého aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of greenhouse gases
agrochemikálie agrochemical (Any substance or mixture of substances used or intended to be used for preventing, destroying, repelling, attracting, inhibiting, or controlling any insects, rodents, birds, nematodes, bacteria, fungi, weeds or other forms of plant, animal or microbial life regarded as pests)
agroekosystém agrosystem (Ecosystem dominated by the continuous agricultural intervention of man)
agroenvironmentálna platba agri-environmental payment
agrometeorológia agrometeorology (The study of the interaction between meteorological and hydrological factors, on the one hand, and agriculture in the widest sense, including horticulture, animal husbandry and forestry, on the other)
agronómia agronomy (The principles and procedures of soil management and of field crop and special-purpose plant improvement, management, and production)
agropotravinársky priemysel agroindustry (Industry dealing with the supply, processing and distribution of farm products)