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Terms for subject Pest control (561 entries)
Aphidophilus phaseoli bean yellow mosaic
Aphis nerii Boy. oleander aphid
Apiosporium (sp.) sooty mould (cashew)
Apiosporium (sp.) black mould
Armillariella mellea root rot
Armillariella mellea mushroom root rot
Armillariella mellea white root rot
Ascochyta gossypii cotton wet weather blight
Ascochyta piniperda blight of the young shoots of red and Norway spruce
Ascochyta rabiei chick pea blight
Ascochyta rabiei blight of chick pea
Aspergillus niger sisal heart rot
Atta (spp.) Brazilian leaf-cutting ants
Autoplusia egena (Gn.) bean leafskeletonizer
Bacillus caratovorus soft rot
Bacterium coryli hazel bacterial canker
Bacterium pseudotsugae Douglas fir gall
Bacterium pseudotsugae Douglas fir gall midge
Bacterium salicis watermark disease of willow
Bacterium savastanoi fraxini ash cankerous gall