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Terms for subject Politics (1964 entries)
Advisory Committee on information systems security (SOG-IS) Svetovalni odbor za varnost informacijskih sistemov (SOG-IS)
Advisory Committee on Public Procurement Svetovalni odbor za javna naročila
Advisory Committee on the implementation of activities relating to the Community market access strategy Svetovalni odbor za izvajanje aktivnosti glede strategije dostopa do trga Skupnosti
Aggregate Measure of Support skupna mera podpore
Aggregate Measurement of Support skupna mera podpore
Agora agora državljanov
agreement at the stage of Council common position sporazum v fazi skupnega stališča Sveta
agreement at the stage of first reading in the European Parliament sporazum v fazi prve obravnave v Evropskem parlamentu
agreement at the stage of second reading in the European Parliament sporazum v fazi druge obravnave v Evropskem parlamentu
agricultural economics kmetijsko gospodarstvo
agricultural economy kmetijsko gospodarstvo
agricultural expenditure kmetijski izdatki
Agriculture and Fisheries Council Svet za kmetijstvo in ribištvo
AGRIFISH Council Svet za kmetijstvo in ribištvo
allocation coefficient koeficient dodelitve
allocation of speaking time dodelitev časa za govor
Alpine region alpsko območje
alternative motion for a resolution nadomestni predlog resolucije
amending letter dopolnilno pismo
annual activity and monitoring report letno poročilo o delu in spremljanju