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Terms for subject Customs (337 entries)
centraliseret toldbehandling centralised clearance
centraliseret toldbehandling centralised customs clearance
DAU/SAD Single Administrative Document
Den permanente tekniske Komité Permanent Technical Committee
destinationsland country of destination
det administrative enhedsdokument Single Administrative Document
Det Blandede Toldsamarbejdsudvalg: EF-Hongkong EC-Hong Kong Joint Customs Cooperation Committee
dokumentkontroleksistens,ægthed checking the existence and authenticity of documents
dokumentkontroleksistens,ægthed verifying the existence and authenticity of documents
EF-toldkodeksen Community Customs Code
eksportafgifter export duties
eksportlicens export authorisation
eksportlicens certificate of export
eksportlicens export certificate
eksportprocedure export procedure
eksporttilladelse export authorisation
eksporttilladelse export licence
ekstern forsendelse external transit
elfenben ivory
en der klarerer toldgods broker