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Terms for subject Customs (362 entries)
certificate of origin Form A certificaat van oorsprong formulier A
checking the existence and authenticity of documents controle op de aanwezigheid en de echtheid van documenten
clearance douanebehandeling
clearance inklaring
clearance uitklaring
clearing through customs in- en uitklaring
CN code GN-code
Community Customs Code communautair douanewetboek
Community transit regeling Uniedouanevervoer
Community transit regeling communautair douanevervoer
Community transit procedure regeling communautair douanevervoer
Community transit procedure regeling Uniedouanevervoer
compensatory interest compensatierente
computed value berekende waarde
counterfoil (TIR carnet) stam (carnet TIR)
country of consignment land van herkomst
country of destination land van bestemming
customs agent douanedeclarant
customs agent door de douane erkende gevolmachtigde
customs area douanegebied