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Terms for subject Weightlifting (1496 entries)
alternate set system 交替练习方法
alternate set system 交替练习法
amateur weight-lifter 业余举重运动员
American Amateur Weightlifting Association 美国业余举重协会
American style 美国式
American Weight-lifting Association 美国举重协会
ankle strap 踝扎
ankle weight 踝部加重袋
ankle weight 踝负重
anyhow 自选动作
approach the bar 走向杠铃
arch-up 背弓动作
arm and shoulder pull 耸肩拉臂
arm curl 屈臂练习
arm curl bench 屈臂练习凳
arm extension 背后直臂上举
arm flex and stretch standing 站立臂屈伸
arm flexor 臂部屈伸
arm girth 臂围